Being a curvy woman does not mean being overweight but far from it

By curvy woman we mean feeling at ease with bursting shapes, considered beautiful and sensual.

Martina, from a “curvy” girl to a successful curvy model

Martina, like many girls with a "round" body, for a long time did not accept her body by undergoing drastic diets and fasting in order to lose the hated excess pounds.

But at some point in his life, he decided to say enough by starting to love and accept himself for who he was. From an insecure girl who deeply hated her body and her curves, she has now become a curvy woman and successful model. A woman who likes herself and who wants to contribute to spreading a new feminine canon. A canon closer to reality than the one embodied and spread by the model size 38.

Martina, How do you feel in the guise of a curvy model?

I have always rejected my body, followed drastic diets to accept my curves. Today I finally feel alive and well about myself. I love my body and especially my curves. I am considered an icon of alternative beauty and this fills my heart with joy. We need to get out of the molds imposed so far by the media.

Being a curvy woman does not mean being overweight but far from it

Nowadays many curvy girls are bullied and the subject of bad jokes. Has it ever happened to you?

Unfortunately, if you do not respect the canons imposed by the media, you are considered "different" or "out of fashion".

Any defect becomes a kind of excuse to start teasing or jokes in bad taste. I've been through a lot. But today I'm here. Mine is a kind of personal revenge and modeling today is just that.

There are, in your opinion, prejudices against curvy women that do not reflect the canons of physical perfection?

Sure. Especially in the field of fashion and entertainment. It is not possible to accept an alternative to this now imposed but totally unnatural and unrealistic beauty.

The stylists obviously choose the type of woman who has the measures that have now become standard. But whoever looks and observes the fashion shows carefully today, may realize that the model who parades is absolutely not the kind of woman you meet on the street.

What can a curvy woman wear to enhance her body?

First of all, every woman must analyze herself and understand what she wants to hide and what she wants to highlight about her body. Depending on our body and our shapes, we have to wear clothes that enhance us.
If you have a narrow waist and wide hips, wear high-waisted skirts or shorts. Very soft dresses but that tighten at the waist highlighting the cleavage.
My invitation is not to get discouraged but to get involved in order to feel unique, healthy and self-confident. There are no valid reasons to be ashamed of a "curvy" body or to wear a size from 44 onwards.

Being a model taught me that you can achieve notoriety regardless of your size.

Thanks to Martina for her precious testimony and above all for the valid invitation she made to curvy women.

Curvy woman: a new feminine canon last edit: 2017-06-08T21:46:52+02:00 da Rossana Nardacci

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