The curve that flattens out, the infections that register a slight decline: they are the first positive signs of this second pandemic wave. The restrictive measures “are the only real tool we now have to lower the contagion and put it under control. It is clear that they cause sacrifices on an economic and cultural level, but as the numbers of the last few days show, the restrictions work.
In the last week, theRt index indicating the spread of the infection, it has dropped compared to the previous week ". So the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza who underlined: “The last ones let glimpse the light at the end of the tunnel but we must have a prudent approach. In any case, what we are recording gives us hope. We will still have to resist but woe to interpret these first signs as a free all ”. Meanwhile, the new positive cases of the last 24 hours are 34.767 compared to 37.242 yesterday; while the new deaths are 692 (yesterday they were 699). The Ministry of Health also makes it known that the new healed are 19.502 while yesterday they were 21.035. The increase of the buffers is equal to 237.225 compared to 238.077 yesterday. There are currently 3.758 hospitalized in intensive care, ten more than yesterday.
Among the positive signs is the Rt of Sardinia, the lowest in Italy
Sardinia is the region with the lowest transmission rate of Covid infections. The latest report from the Higher Institute of Health records an R (t) index of 0,84, in practice the best result in Italy. A week ago it was at 1. This figure confirms the island in the yellow band, therefore among the very few regions where the restrictions have not been tightened compared to what was established in the last Government Dpcm.
The indicator on the employment of intensive care units is less good. According to the Regional Health Services Agency, Sardinia recorded 38 percent, exceeding the critical threshold of 0,8 percent by 30 percent. Until 11 November the island has always been below this limit: currently there are 69 hospitalized in intensive care. To deal with the second wave of infections, the Region has launched a 40-day plan which provides for modular activation of up to 970 places. total bed, including over 200 intensive care.
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