Anti-Covid algorithm: home treatment for those infected with the virus in order to avoid the hospitalization. In this regard comes the publication on 'EClinicalMedicine', a magazine that belongs to 'The Lancet'. In practice, it is proven that a simple algorithm for the home treatment of Covid-19 patients can prevent hospitalization. The study is carried out by the Mario Negri Institute of Bergamo and is conducted in collaboration with a group of general practitioners from Varese and Teramo.
An algorithm to treat Covid patients at home
"In the first 2-3 days - explain the authors, Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of Mario Negri and Fredy Suter, primary emeritus of'Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital of Bergamo - Covid-19 is incubating and the person still has no symptoms. Over the next 4-7 days, the viral load increases, causing the first symptoms to appear. Intervening at this stage, starting to be treated at home and treating Covid-19 as you would any other respiratory infection, even before the swab results are available, could help speed up recovery and reduce the need for hospitalization.
Cures with anti-inflammatories
According to experts, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) would be the most indicated in the early stages of disease. The study involved 90 patients with mild Covid-19, treated at home by their family doctors according to the proposed protocol. The trial resulted in a decrease from 13 to 2 patients requiring hospitalization.
And, in addition, in a reduction of more than 90 percent in the total number of days of hospitalization and the related treatment costs. This compared to a group of patients with the same characteristics, but who had received other therapeutic regimens. These results were confirmed in another control group of 1779 patients.
Today's data
Meanwhile, the pandemic in our country continues to record increasingly encouraging data. According to ministerial reports, there are 1.390 new positive cases today (yesterday 1.723). The deaths of the last 24 hours are 26 (yesterday 52). The discharged healed are 3.460 (yesterday 4.500) while the currently positive cases are 160.313 (yesterday 162.409). The swabs made in the last 24 hours are 134.136 (yesterday 212.966); the ICU patients are 565 (yesterday 574). They still remain in home isolation 156.206 people infected with the virus (158.180 yesterday).