The alarm coronavirus it's still high. The numbers of infections on a global scale are increasing. Italy is the most affected country after China and South Korea. It is also true though that our hospitals are the ones that are running the greater number of tampons. Probably if in the world we intervened on suspected cases of Covid-19, as Italy is doing, the numbers would be very different. Italy for the management of this serious situation is beginning to receive the first applause from abroad.

Coronavirus, support for Italy

The general manager fromWorld Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, gave support and solidarity to Italy, praising the "courage"And"sacrifices"Of our country for the latest restrictions adopted, the tougher on a global scale after China.

coronavirus - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros)
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

A few days ago the applause also came from the WHO director for Europe, Hans Kluge, who expressed "sincere appreciation" for the Italian modalities crisis management. On the other hand, criticism from other countries is harsh which, according to the WHO, would have faced the risk of the pandemic superficially, not taking the necessary preventive measures. According to some Italians residing abroad, swabs are performed only on those who have had contact with our country.

Neglecting a fundamental fact, cases are increasing exponentially worldwide. WHO reports that there are 105 infected and 3.600 dead. The problem affects everyone.

This is how the crisis is being handled

Italian institutions and healthcare are trying to manage everything calmly and clearly. To have had to take quickly important decisions, under the pressure of understandable fear, he exposed Italy to harsh criticism. The latest decree adopted the government, on 8 March, imposed quarantine for about 16 million Italians: residents in Lombardy and 14 northern provinces will be able to leave these areas only if equipped with special permissions. For their part, the presidents of Sicily, Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Basilicata, Molise, Abruzzo have issued ordinances that impose the14 days self-isolation for those coming from areas at risk.

coronavirus - gloved hands holding a thermometer
How to protect yourself from contagion

Drastic measures for minimize the spread of the virus ed avoid the collapse of hospitals. Many situations could have been managed better, it is true, but outside the country now they are beginning to appreciate measures taken after the first cases of contagion. Schools, universities and public places will remain closed at least until the middle of March. Spread a list of precautions to protect yourself better. Without neglecting always keep a good mood high typical of Italians, who have always been used to facing serious crises. In the meantime, to make this time of isolation pass more pleasantly, on social the campaign has started #I stay at home in support of the commitment not to move from their homes except for strictly necessary reasons.

Italy model to follow

Italy should serve as a model for all those countries that have taken the spread of the virus lightly. The data speak for themselves. Iran records nearly 6.000 infected and 145 deaths. South Korea, the most affected country after China, has recorded more than 7.000 cases. In the United States there are 400. There is talk of 44 in New York enough to push the governor Andrew Cuomo to declare a state of emergency. First reports also in Colombia, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Malta, Maldives and Paraguay. Turning to Europe, the order is as follows: France (949), Germany (939), Spain (589), United Kingdom (273) and the Netherlands (188).

Coronavirus, the first case in France

Italy was immediately pointed out as a smear for the high number of coronavirus infections. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) however reports that the origin of the outbreak it could be located in France where the first case was notified on January 24th. In Germany almost simultaneously, January 27, the second report of a patient suffering from Covid-19. According to many experts, the German outbreak could have fueled others, including the Italian ones. Both in France and in Germany these are people who have had contact with China for work reasons. This is not and must not become a witch hunt. In fact, Italy immediately ran for cover as all other countries should do, taking timely intervention measures to limit the damage.

# Italian in the heart

Coronavirus, WHO appreciates Italy's courage last edit: 2020-03-09T13:50:16+01:00 da Raffaella Christmas

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