THEInternational Academy of Italian Culture offers a complete basic course on demand of the Italian language for Greeks, Greek - Italian course A1.

Il basic course of Italian for Greeks it is aimed at those starting from scratch, those who do not know the Italian language. With the course of the Accademia di it will be easy to learn Italian starting with simple sentences and common expressions that are used in everyday language.

The course is taught by Antonella Marchisella, Italian teacher and author who holds a first level master for teaching Italian to foreigners, a postgraduate diploma in special educational needs and a qualification of socio-pedagogical professional educator. In your long humanistic and editorial training, you have written and published many books and dealt with the in-depth study of the Italian language and the dialects of some linguistic minorities.

Italian course for greeks - antonella marchisella

What you will learn

  • The grammatical construction of simple sentences in Italian.
  • Many expressions that will allow you to manage various situations of daily life such as:
  • go to the restaurant
  • exchanges of greetings and wishes
  • dialogues with friends
  • ask and provide news on weather and chronological weather.
  • To manage situations of emergencies such as:
  • being able to indicate your state of health
  • knowing how to provide information about yourself (for example what work you do and what your preferences are in general).
  • To ask and provide information about other people.
  • To express your preferences on food, colors, clothing.
  • To feel part of the Italian community (knowing the holidays and traditions of this country).

This course includes

  • 22 downloadable handouts
  • 22 videotaped lessons,
  • 3 intermediate checks
  • 1 final check
  • 1 summary dialogue at the end of the course
  • all useful grammar for building simple sentences in Italian

What you will get

  • The A1 level of knowledge of the Italian language.
  • The diploma of the Italian course A1 of itAccademia. (After having completed the final test. The course is based on the indications provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Complete basic course of Italian language for Greeks last edit: 2022-09-27T09:21:04+02:00 da Staff

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