Caprarola. We are located north of the Roman capital, near Viterbo. A place able to stand out from the typical villages of the peninsula thanks to one of the largest Renaissance palaces in Europe. We are talking about Palazzo Farnese. The residence that housed one of the most powerful families of the time, the Farnese, consists of 5 floors with both public and private frescoed rooms.
Caprarola and Palazzo Farnese
All crowned by the tall gardens and the little house of pleasure. The internal spiral staircase that runs along the vertebral axis allowed only a small niche of people to access the noble floors. One of the typical characteristics implemented by Vignola corresponds precisely to the use of concentric shapes inserted within a pentagonal macro construction.
The lily, the family crest, appears as one of the most recurring figures in the entire structure. These are mostly blue lilies on a golden background. Among the many personalities that peep out from the walls, we note the depiction of Hercules. The man is immortalized while his spear stuck in the ground sprays a jet of water from which emerges a pond that represents Lake Vico.
And then there is the room of the globe, one of the most popular rooms with the 4 continents known at the time. They are Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe, with the entire celestial sphere. It is the only room on the main floor dedicated to science.
Part of the Palazzo Farnese, among other things, was used as a summer residence by President Einaudi from 1950 to 1955. History tells us that Alessandro Farnese and the architect Antonio da Sangallo had started construction in 1530, but as a fortress. Subsequently, after 30 years, the original structure was transformed into a Renaissance masterpiece under the Vignola project.
Outside we find the tall gardens, divided into summer and winter gardens. The green area is dotted with statues and fountains also thanks to the contribution of the former President, who was fascinated by the place where he had pleasantly stayed.
The excellence of Caprarola enclosed in a core
The Palace has also welcomed other prominent personalities, including Prince Charles. It is certainly no coincidence that Caprarola is also appreciated beyond the Alps: thanks to his to his palace, the locality has acquired a great notoriety which has led to a revaluation of the entire territory.
Ma Caprarola it is not only important for Palazzo Farnese. Located on a rocky outcrop 500m high, it was baptized one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Furthermore, Caprarola stands out for its production of chestnuts and above all of hazelnuts to which a festival is dedicated which takes place every year from the last week of August and the first of September. The hazelnuts, after the copious harvest, are sold in the great confectionery industries of our nation as well as abroad. The specialty of hazelnuts lies in the presence of a skin rich in oxidants used to treat cardiovascular diseases as well as their strong taste.
Annual production is around 100 tons nationwide. Suffice it to say that 000% of hazelnuts come from the countryside of Caprarola. Whenever you taste a tozzetto or an amaretto, it is very likely that you will be eating a piece of Caprarola land.
Caprarola awaits you with open arms with the Palazzo Farnese, Vico lake, its confectionery excellence and its traditions.