Listed among the most beautiful villages in Italy, buonconvento is a country of little more than 3000 anime of Ombrone Valley, in the province of Siena, in the ancient Via Francigena. The etymology of the name is of Latin origin (Conventus bonus) and means "happy community". medieval village surrounded by walls dating back at the end of the 300th century, from the narrow streets, from the houses with the typical red bricks and with beautiful monuments (such as the clock tower), Buonconvento is a magical place to be discovered. Despite being little known to most tourists, this village was of considerable importance during the Middle Ages. One proof of this is the Palazzo del Podestà which is located in the historic center. Buonconvento was in fact the most important city among those of Val d'Abria, also cited by some poets, such as Boccaccio in its Decameron (fourth story of the ninth day).
The village during the Middle Ages
Historical signs of Buonconvento are already available from the end of 1100, even if it is only from the following century that the village acquires greater importance. In 1313, Arrigo VII of Luxembourg, emperor of Holy Roman Empire, here he died from poisoning. As already mentioned, the actual fortification began in 1371 with the construction of the walls then finished in 1383. Two years later Buonconvento also had his own Palazzo del Podestà, With the clock tower, which still marks the hours. For the next two centuries, Buonconvento was a decidedly important village on a political level. This is demonstrated not only by the podesta office on a territory that included 32 locations, but also by the Sienese citizenship granted by Governors of Siena. Finally, after the fall of the Republic of Siena, in 1559, the city of Buonconvento was included in Grand Duchy of Tuscany Family doctors.
What to see in Buonconvento
Located in the Crete Senesi, Buonconvento is a village that offers a lot to the curious tourist, especially if fond of medieval history. In the main street there is the Podestà's Palace with the civic tower, dating back to Fourteenth century. They are posted on its facade 25 coats of arms in stone of the various podestà of Buonconvento. There church of Saints Peter and Paul it is the main religious building in the city. The original building dates back to 1103, but underwent several renovations over time.
One of the most valuable works in the church is the panel depicting the "Enthroned Madonna with Child and two angels"Of the painter Matteo from Siena (1450). Another interesting religious building in Buonconvento is theoratory of the Archconfraternity of Mercy. Two treasures are kept in the oratory wooden goblets painting of the late sixteenth century. At the museum level, in the village there are the Sacred Art Museum of Val d'Arbia and the museum of the Sienese sharecropping. The first houses, among other things, works by painters such as Andrew di Bartolo, Duccio di Buoninsegna e Matthew of John (from Siena). The second, on the other hand, traces the history of the ancient Tuscan sharecropping, also proposing gods workshops for children. In the surroundings of the village, there are other interesting structures, such as the Bibbiano Castle (dating back to the XNUMXth century) e Villa La Rondinella (building in Liberty style made in 1910).
Visiting the village, it is also worth trying the typical products of the area, such as i cold cuts, the Chianina meat and truffles of the Crete Senesi. Like all the villages of the Toscana, can not miss DOC, Such as'Orcia and white Val d'Abria. Buonconvento is an enchanting place where time seems to have stopped at the time of the knights and Checkers. It is certainly a village to consider if you want to discover the face of Tuscany that is "less touristy", but still wonderful.
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