The Colosseum Archaeological Park opens the deposits inside three tabernae on via Nova to the public. These are environments that represent 3 key moments in the history of Rome and which keep important artifacts of daily life such as pottery, coins, decorative objects, tombs. Finds belonging to the Roman Forum, which are not part of the museum set up, inaugurated in 2021.

Archaeological Park of the Colosseum

To make this significant heritage known, to enhance it and make it usable, the redevelopment and arrangement of the tabernae that overlook the route of via Nova was started. They belong to the complex of Domus Tiberiana. Furthermore, an arrangement of the finds was developed, based on a thematic and chronological criterion, from protohistory to Middle Ages. “We wanted to launch this program – explained Alfonsina Russo, director of the Colosseum Archaeological Park – because the priceless wealth of cultural heritage present in the Park must be shared as much as possible. We didn't want to leave valuable finds unseen – continues the director – and for this reason we have opened previously inaccessible places to the public. The finds have been surveyed, geolocated, digitized and have now returned to the excavation sites, ready to be admired and studied".

colosseum park

Deposits on display

The initiative, coordinated by the archaeologist Roberta Alteri, will allow visitors to access the rooms of the three tabernae for the first time. Guided tours are managed by the Park's internal staff. The exhibition projectDeposits on display” reconstructs the different contexts of the precious artifacts belonging to the historical collection of the antiquarian. Artifacts stored on the occasion of the construction of the new museum of the Roman Forum, set up on the ground floor of the Cloister of Santa Maria Nova. Specifically, the exhibition especially enhances the excavations of the archaeologist and architect Giacomo Boni. The visit, in fact, continues to the museum of Roman Forum to get to know the rich historical and cultural heritage and to have an overview of the finds in the Forum, the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum.

 The visits are by reservation and take place every Friday in 3 shifts, from 15.30 to 19; each tour round lasts about an hour and a half. For more information:

Archaeological park of the Colosseum, the tabernae on via Nova are open to the public last edit: 2023-04-20T09:00:00+02:00 da Staff
