The Italian territory is rich in history and we are still a long way from discovering all the remains that the Beautiful country has to offer us. This is demonstrated by the incredible discovery made by the archaeologists of Park of Paestum and Velia in Campania. Several elements come to light, including helmets from the battle of Alalia and the remains of the temple of Athena present in antiquity on the acropolis of the area.

What was found

The time of Athena, of which the remains have been found, dates back to the sixth century BC. It was located on the acropolis of Velia and is the oldest known in the area. Archaeologists managed to find numerous painted pottery, as well as two helmets. One of these is Etruscan and is believed to have been snatched from the head of an enemy during the battle of Alalia.

This is dated between 541 and 535 BC, approximately, in Corsica. On the field the Focei clashed, attacked by both Carthaginian and Etruscan ships. Enthusiastic director Massimo Osanna: "We are going to gain new light on the history of the powerful Greek colony". A discovery whose echo reached Rome, obviously, with the minister of culture Dario Franceschini who explained: “It is important to continue investing with conviction in archaeological research, which never ceases to return key pieces of the history of the Mediterranean”.

Chalcidian helmet

Ancient Hyele

In July 2021, excavations began on the acropolis of what was once known as Hyele, today Velia. It was a colony founded by the Focei. We speak of 540 BC and the people who lived there were mainly characterized by merchants originating from Asia Minor.

It is not a surprise that there is a temple in this place, but the discovery increases the information about it. It is believed to belong to the Hellenistic period, around 300 BC. To this are added the foundations of an older time, with beaten earth flooring. The biggest surprises come from here. The Focei dedicated it to Athena, raising it after taking the promontory, today between Punta Licosa and Palinuro, in the province of Salerno.

The details of the temple

Francesco Scelza, in charge of the excavations, had the opportunity to speak about the findings. He explained how architectural elements in baked clay were found. These are decorations made by the artisans of Cuma. There is also space for roof tiles, vases and painted ceramics. All are marked with an abbreviation, Ire (Sacred), which clarifies the dedication to Athena.

Director Osanna then continued: “One of the helmets found is of clear Etruscan origin. It is the most exciting surprise. It makes the hypothesis plausible that they are remnants of that historical battle. However, the two helmets still have to be completely cleaned and studied. Inside them there could be inscriptions that can help us to accurately reconstruct their history and, why not, trace the identity of the warriors who wore them ".

Photo source:

Discovery in Velia, Campania: the helmets of the battle of Alalia are unearthed last edit: 2022-02-07T12:49:25+01:00 da Luca Crowned
