The "Sole Together" cooperative
“Sole Insieme” is a cooperative whose purpose is to favor the work placement of mothers in conditions of social and economic difficulty. It was born in 2014 from the "mother-child" network. Made up of associations and institutions, and in particular the help desk for mothers in difficulty, single mothers with dependent minor children. Based at the Agape Community Center.
The Social Tailoring Laboratory
In February 2016 the cooperative started a social tailoring within the Reactioncity project. Urban social innovation project for the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria. This project is aimed at imagining visions and strategies of social cohesion and urban development. In connection with the communities that inhabit the places, landscapes and territories of the city of Reggio Calabria. Reactioncity Woman was then born from the pilot project, which sees the reuse of an asset confiscated from the 'Ndrangheta for the construction of a Social Sartorial Workshop by the Sole Insieme Cooperative.
Objectives, people, associations and institutions revolve around the redevelopment project. But above all women who are alone and in difficulty. Who to make a change in their lives have decided to join forces in a project. The laboratory is located on the central Via Possidonea of Reggio Calabria. Inside a building seized from the mafia. The story is similar to many other places scattered throughout the provincial territory, confiscated and left deserted. Until it was chosen for the realization of one of the phases of ReActionCity. Urban regeneration and social inclusion project promoted by the Pensando Meridiano association.
The "event site" is a point of reference for the community
In the realization of the project there was a strong synergy between different actors. They have created a social network capable of engaging and constantly taking care of the project. This allowed the Cooperative to establish a good relationship with the community. With which he shared every step of the project through events within the venue, called "event site", during which it was explained what the cooperative was working on and with what resources.
Furthermore, the SoleInsieme cooperative, independently of the social tailoring project, has created a network called “Rete Tessile Resistente” which is an aggregation between various institutional and associative subjects such as Coop. SoleInsieme, Agape Community Center, Equosud, Prison District, ITiS Panella, Libera, Macramè Consortium, Archdiocese Hospitality Community. Our aim - explains the president - is to build a real network of social tailors in the area.