Did you know that the first Italian translation of "The Lord of the Rings" was made by a woman of Sicilian origins and above all noble ones? Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca is a scholar of the Arab and Eastern world and a few years ago she created in her Villa Valguarnera, in Bagheria, a reference cultural center for the whole Mediterranean. Writer, translator, scholar, journalist Vittoria Alliata is a woman full of determination.
Born in Geneva at a very young age, she had a curiosity for the knowledge of languages, so much so that she graduated in Islamic Law and deepened the study of the condition of women in Arab countries. She is a descendant of the Alliata family, daughter of Prince Francesco Alliata of Villafranca, cousin of Dacia Maraini. Many journeys undertaken and the first books written.
Vittoria Alliata, the translator of Tolkien's trilogy
From a very young age Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca translated the great novel. The other translation, the most recent one, was made by another writer. So much so that the scholar has started a long legal battle with the publisher for the recognition of her work. And there are many supporters in support of his version of JRR Tolkien's book. Even created a page on Facebook dedicated to the original version of the translation.
Vittoria Alliata after traveling and studying around the world decided to return to Sicily and settle in Bagheria, where his villa has become a cultural reference point. "It was an act of love towards this land, towards its origins and towards the origins of my family - the woman told Balarm.it-. I felt the duty, a call to a specific task, to protect not only my properties, prey to Mafia families, but the identity of Sicily which belongs to everyone and which through the action of all can obtain the right dignity. I also had to regain my freedom".
The villa of Vittoria Alliata and her family
The decision to return to Sicily stems from Vittoria Alliata's desire to take back the property of her family and relaunch it. Making it become a cultural reference point also for the many scholars who have crossed his path over the years. Villa Valguarnera has a park, a bound historic countryside, occupied by the Provenzano clan. Then the return to the ancient splendor. The villa contains some material from the film production company Panaria Film created by Francesco Alliata.
Villa Valguarnera scenery of great sets
In addition, the villa was the set of the film by Ferzan Ozpetek "The goddess Fortuna", of a Sky TV series, chosen by the couple formed by the leader of Radiohead Thom Yorke and the actress Dajana Roncione from Monreale.
The Giuseppe Tornatore, director of Bagheria, chose her for a commercial by Dolce & Gabbana. Built by a pupil of Bernini, Villa Valguarnera is also one of the first examples of neoclassical architecture. It was also the setting for the novel “The long life of Marianna Ucrìa” by Dacia Maraini.
The villa today thanks to the commitment of Vittoria Alliata
This enchanting place is now protected thanks to the commitment of Vittoria Alliata. It is also possible to visit this site, by reservation and in groups. A'opportunity not to be missed for those who are in Sicily and want to immerse themselves in a world so far away and rich in history.