The relegation odds have changed a lot in view of the final days of the Serie B championship. Apart from a few unlisted teams, almost all the cadet teams are listed for relegation to Serie B.

Here are the odds:

  • Catanzaro 66
  • Sampdoria 66
  • Brescia 50
  • Pisa 25
  • Citadel 20
  • Citadel 20
  • Sudtirol 9
  • Modena 9
  • Reggiana 9
  • Spice 3
  • Bari 2.25
  • Cosenza 2.10
  • Ternana 1.65
  • Ascoli 1.44
  • Feralpisalò 1.30
  • Lecco 1.01

Despite being on equal points, the shares of Bari and Spezia are very different. Cosenza's odds are even lower, in which the bookmakers don't have much confidence, according to these numbers. Lecco is now done for, with little chance, on paper, for Feralpisalò and Ascoli.

Serie B, here are the odds for the relegated teams: Bari surprises last edit: 2024-04-12T09:18:43+02:00 da Staff
