Covid, on March 31st the state of emergency ends and the color zone system will no longer be in force. This was announced in Florence on premier Mario Draghi at during the meeting with the authorities and the Florentine business world.

No extension for the state of emergency

“The government is aware of the fact that the strength of the recovery depends above all on the ability to overcome the emergencies of the moment. The epidemiological situation is improving sharply, thanks to the success of the vaccination campaign. It offers us scope to remove residual restrictions on the life of citizens and businesses. I want to announce that it is the government's intention not to extend the state of emergency beyond March 31st". These are the statements of the prime minister in Florence. 

school without mask stop emergency state

So, from April XNUMXst, the system of colored zones will no longer be in force either. Le schools will always remain open to everyone: contact quarantines will in fact be eliminated. The obligation of outdoor masks will cease everywhere, and that of masks FFP2 in the classroom. It will also gradually cease the obligation to use the reinforced green pass, starting with outdoor activities, including fairs, sports, parties and shows.

Pandemic situation closely monitored

"We will continue to closely monitor the pandemic situation, ready to intervene in the event of a resurgence. But our goal is to reopen completely, as soon as possible". So Draghi who added: "Italy is recovering, but the government intends to continue helping those in difficulty" assures the Prime Minister. The aid has arrived “For the tourism sector, hit hard by the pandemic. In the most recent refreshment decree, we allocate another 100 million for the Single National Tourism Fund, in addition to the 120 million allocated with the Budget Law. Still in the same decree, we help operators in the sector with the tax reduction for seasonal workers and a tax credit for property rentals ".

Covid, Draghi: "The state of emergency ends on March 31 and no more color zones" last edit: 2022-02-23T19:25:28+01:00 da Staff
