Fear in Italy, precisely in Valle Roveto for a case of Dengue, also known as yellow fever. The report of a confirmed case came from the Service epidemiological hygiene of the ASL to the Mayor of Civita d'Antino, Sara Cicchinelli.

School, day center and municipal delegation of Civita d'Antino were closed due to the reported case of "Dengue" in the town.

Case of yellow fever: here's what was reported

It was communicated precisely:

  • Plan, after an on-site inspection, remediation interventions using adultsicidal and larvicidal treatments aimed at removing any outbreaks present in the immediate vicinity of the living environments within a radius of at least 200 meters (drains, manholes, wet areas, ponds, channels, tanks, fountains, etc. ) if necessary also private areas, using selective products that are not harmful to the environment;
  • Eliminate, where possible, any source of water stagnation.

The disease is not contagious but spreads through the bite of a certain type of mosquito, typical of tropical countries. Now in the town and in the area there is attention regarding this event.

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Italy, a case of yellow fever: a school closed last edit: 2023-11-08T08:51:40+01:00 da Staff
