"What will remain of this eighties”… So sang Raf in one of the best known songs of that decade. The Eighties in Italy but also in the rest of the world were significant for technological innovations, for social and historical changes, for sport. But we don't want to talk about this but about the music, about the songs that made the history of those years. The Italian songs in particular, from Raf, in fact, to Umberto Tozzi, passing through Jovanotti, Vasco Rossi, Zucchero.

If some artists were taking their first steps, many others were already established and their careers in the XNUMXs reached their peak. There is therefore something for all tastes. So we decided to select five Italian songs that have remained in the history of national music. But surely there are many others in the hearts of you readers.
The Eighties, here are the most famous songs
The protagonists of the music, of TV, of radios were undoubtedly them. Linus, Claudio Cecchetto and Jovanotti. Who behind a microphone to sing, who to dance, who still to dictate the weekly rankings of the most listened to songs, many know their voices. Much less young they certainly spent hours and hours listening to the "hit parade" that every week offered the radio. Then rushing to buy the vinyl records that still existed. Yes, because if the Eighties marked significant steps for technology, music was still transmitted with the old means.

So here is our ranking. Claudio Baglioni in 1982 he recorded his album "Alè-oò" with one of the historical songs of those years "Avrai". It's still Claudio Cecchetto protagonist with a song still very well known and broadcast "Gioca jouer", we are in 1981. Success even for a very young Jovanotti with 1988's “Gimme Five”. And then Gianna Nannini with the song "Bello e Impossible" from the 1986 album "Profumo", i Matia Bazaar with "Roman Holidays" of 1983 from the album Tango. Final quote, out of five, but of duty, come on Raf with "Ti pretendo" from 1989 from the album "Cosa resterà".
A list of artists who have made music history since the XNUMXs
The list could still go on. In fact we have not mentioned Eros Ramazzotti, but also i Righeira with their summer hits. Or the trio that won Sanremo in 1987 Umberto Tozzi, Gianni Morandi and Enrico Ruggeri. O artists including Loredana Bertè, Vasco Rossi. It's still Lucio Dalla, the Poohs, Antonello Venditti, Mia Martini, Loretta Goggi, Pupo, the rich and poor. Then Fiorella Mannoia, Fausto Leali, Anna Oxa.

The music of those years was characterized by many international artists such as Duran Duran or Madonna, but also many Italians sang in English. Many then remained of the Meteors, but other songs were at the top of the charts for months.
Many Italian songs remained in history
Italian music of the Eighties made history. The young people of the new generations have learned to know many songs from the eighties, because often in clubs, in discos they are broadcast with new and modern rearrangements. Not to mention the "karaoke", which mainly promote Italian songs of those years.

Not just music, the eighties in history
However, the decade was not only significant in music. These were the years in which the internet was born, the Berlin Wall fell, the first films with special effects were shown at the cinema. And then Italy wins the World Cup. And many changes in Italian and international political life. In short, the Eighties were significant and important for many. But music is perhaps one of the areas that is pleasantly worth remembering from that significant decade.