“I was there twice…” or recover and reuse objects that are no longer needed in their original function but that can still take shape and life again with an adequate makeover. This, in summary, is the aim of the project "I was there twice…” presented by the social cooperative Des Tacum in collaboration with Confcooperative, Factory and clouds, EnergEtica. The planning process is financed by the Territorial Committee of Iren Piacenza.

I was there twice

The initiative was born, precisely, with the aim of making goods 'reborn to new life', otherwise destined to be thrown in the waste bin. The founding principle of the project is naturally that ofcircular economy. The two basic activities of the project are the repair and creative reuse. Specifically, it is the course of cyclomechanics, organized in collaboration with the Ciclofficina Pignone, and the laboratory of creative restoration. The main purpose of these activities is not only the refurbishment of objects that were initially considered to be thrown away, but above all that of reconciling the recreational and educational aspects.


This, even with the inclusion of disadvantaged people, promoting their integration into society. The project leaders are keen to underline that "during the courses there was an excellent climate of collaboration between the more and the less experienced, through the exchange of different knowledge, techniques and styles". For the near future we intend to continue with weekly meetings trying to find a space in the city. The appeal is made to the Piacenza community with the hope that someone will make available a space to host the project laboratories. This, also considering the fact that these are activities that promote inclusion and social cohesion. In this way, concrete work prospects are also born by giving a second life to those objects that were thought to be no longer needed.

(Images official page Cooperativa Des Tacum)

I was there twice, how to make objects that are no longer needed 'born again' last edit: 2022-11-21T12:30:00+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino

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