“Peace at Christmas” is the title of the video book for children created by the writer and illustrator Barbara Panetta, an invitation to peace in the world at a time when wars kill hundreds of civilians every day, including many innocent children. This project, like the author's previous works, has beneficial purposes: it is in fact intended to War Child UK, an organization that helps child victims of war. The videobook, published on You Tube and Instagram, is only the latest success of this talented Italian writer, who has lived and worked in the United Kingdom for years. In just three weeks you made it possible to donate 1.000 pounds to less fortunate children.

"A Christmas of Peace", video cover

The message of peace and serenity from the little ant Ant Chloe


“A Christmas of Peace” is a video message of peace and serenity that ants Ant Chloe, protagonist of the trilogy, written and illustrated by the author, is aimed at adults and children. What will Christmas be like for the children of Ukraine, those of Gaza and all the small innocent victims in the world? This is the question that sweet Ant Chloe asks herself. In the short story, "the little ant - explains Barbara Panetta - closes her eyes and imagines a world where children are serene, joyful, dancing around the Christmas tree and where there are no material gifts, nor riches, but only peace".

Barbara Panetta

The message is significant because it invites us not to have a materialistic vision. “There are children – continues the author – who don't want a toy at Christmas, but just ask for a bit of serenity. The story speaks to the hearts of everyone, young and old." At the end of the video, you can scan a QR Code to support the charity project.

"A Christmas of peace", I invite you to make a donation

Barbara Panetta, a Calabrian linked to her origins

The illustrations, in watercolor, of "A Peaceful Christmas", together with the contents, are by the author. The soundtrack is composed by the musician Alexander Avenue, who has collaborated with Barbara since the birth of the “Ant Chloe” project. The latter was born as a trilogy to help Momentum Children Charity, an association that supports sick children. The project involved internationally renowned musicians and famous people.

"A Peaceful Christmas", Ant Chloe
The little ant Chloe

The Ant Chloe books have been translated into several languages ​​and adopted in English primary schools as teaching books. Barbara Panetta, originally from Reggio Calabria, has long lived in Richmond, Surrey, with her husband, daughters Emily and Lucy, and her golden retriever. She is a writer of short stories and editor of various themed anthologies. Her first novel, translated into Spanish, will soon be published in South America. Barbara, despite her great successes in the UK and around the world, continues to remain firmly linked to her Italian origins. In Calabria, where her parents still live, she returns annually for the summer holidays and Christmas holidays.

(The photos were kindly provided by the author)

“A Christmas of Peace”, by Barbara Panetta, is the Christmas videobook in support of child victims of war last edit: 2023-12-19T15:55:00+01:00 da Antonietta Malito

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