Today, March 30, is the first International Day of Zero Waste, proclaimed by the General Assembly of United Nations the December 14 2022.  With this initiative we want to promote sustainable consumption and production models, for a society based on circularity and to raise awareness of how 'zero waste' initiatives contribute to the progress of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

Zero waste

The waste sector, recalls the UN, contributes significantly to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, loss of biodiversity and nature and pollution. Humanity generates approximately 2,24 billion tons of municipal solid waste every year, of which only 55 percent is managed in controlled plants. They underline it United Nations.


It is estimated that by 2050 the amount could rise to 3,88 billion tons per year. Approximately 931 million tons of food are lost or wasted. And up to 14 million tons of plastic waste enter aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore, waste contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions in cities and to the loss of biodiversity. Up to 2040 million tonnes of plastic waste is projected to end up in the oceans by 37: this is the warning of the UN.


Zero waste, first international day proclaimed by the UN last edit: 2023-03-30T12:30:00+02:00 da Staff

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