May 20, 2022 is World Bee Day, a very small insect but of macroscopic importance for the survival of all that is beautiful in nature.

Why International Bee Day?

Its "technical" term is World Bee Day. This important world day was established very recently: only 5 years ago. However, it is a clear sign of the growing interest and attention - at least in the more developed countries - of environmental issues. L'United Nations Organization established the importance of this day following the publication of Thematic evaluation report on pollinators, pollination and food production which took place in 2016 by the IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). A report that highlighted the dramatic situation in which pollinating insects find themselves, which they would even be on the verge of extinction.

A hotel for bees (Photo:

Destruction, degradation and fragmentation of their habitats, as well as pollution (in particular by pesticides), climate change and the spread of invasive alien species, parasites and pathogens are among the main causes of this serious phenomenon with which we must necessarily deal if we really want to save our Mother Earth.

Why May 20?

The date was chosen in honor of Anton Janša, one of the founders of modern beekeeping. Janša was a Slovenian painter and breeder born on May 20, 1734. He is responsible for important scientific discoveries on the world of bees: from their physical characteristics to their habits and behavior.

Bees: very small but very large

The bee (Apis mellifera) is an insect of just 10 millimeters in length but its importance is enormous. With its dark hairy chest and abdomen in bands of colors ranging from black, to brown, red or yellow, it has always inspired a certain sympathy in the human race, so much so that it is the most studied insect and probably the most admired of all. Perhaps also due to the fact that it is about a matriarchal society (which is quite rare) and extremely well organized. Part of its importance - at least to us humans - is that a third of our food depends on its pollination: in Europe alone, among other things, over 4.000 vegetables! If the bees disappeared, the consequences on food production would be devastating ... even for this alone - that is, for human selfishness - they deserve to be saved.

A dedicated exhibition

To celebrate this important insect, the show The way of the bees. Through preparations from the museum's entomological collections, beekeeping materials, captivating videos and models, the visitor can discover their fascinating social world, the products obtained from their incessant work and their key role in plant pollination. An unmissable experience especially for children, who can participate in the exhibition accompanied by the very nice Ape Agnes and have fun with the final quiz that allows them to win a certificate from true friends of bees. You can visit it until May 29!

Interior of the exhibition La via delle api set up at the Civic Museum of Zoology in Rome (Photo: RomaToday)

Bees friends: some advice for everyone

save the bees would help large-scale policies: reduce environmental pollution, promote biodiversity by avoiding monocultures, limit pesticides and so on. The good news is that we in our own small way can do more than just wait!

  1. Plant flowers that bees like, such as marigold, tulip, daisy, lavender, sainfoin, borage, thyme, buckwheat, sunflowers, mallow ... There are also those who sell the so-called "seed bombs", real concentrates of seeds of these species to be literally thrown randomly in green areas… or in their own pots.
  2. If you have a garden, avoid synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and especially neonicotinoids and prefer organic products and natural solutions such as compost.
  3. If you like honey, take care of buy it from organic or local producers. They are certainly more attentive to the welfare of these delicate insects than large-scale producers.
  4. Build a hotel for bees. Just create a wooden frame and insert pieces of wood with holes in it, alternating with small twigs. They will be an important place of rest and protection for the many species of bees that do not live in colonies.
  5. Pay attention to spending: air pollution and pesticides are therefore the main enemies of bees source from producers who have a low environmental impact.
  6. Spread the word on the importance of these wonderful insects and share these little insights from true bee friends!
World Bee Day, when is it celebrated and why last edit: 2022-05-20T10:26:00+02:00 da Giorgia Favero
