Regardless of where you go, what profession you do, your age and your goals, they are there some character traits which are often found among those who have decided to emigrate. These are what the British would call soft skills. That is to say skills that are not technical but related to aptitude. In short, aspects of the personality. Often they are not even innate, but they develop on their own thanks to the experience of emigration. These features are essential not only for moving abroad, but also to be successful in your expa experiencet. And by being successful I mean having an adventure that enriches you and makes you happy. A success then type highly specialised , not cheap (that depends on many other factors). So let's see what you need to emigrate and the most useful features if you want to succeed in your expatriation project.

what you need to emigrate
Openness, desire to know and meet. You will be able to create a new social network and soon the new country will become your home.

What you need to emigrate: self-analysis skills

When you change countries you often do so without having a parachute. That is to say that once you have transferred you will have to look for a job and accommodation. For this it is essential to have an attitude towards self-analysis, in order to be able to to focus what are yours expectations, the desires, but also the potentiality. Dreaming yes, but with your feet on the ground. The language barrier, the different ways of accessing professions, the lack of experience on the spot can all be handicaps when looking for a new job, so you will need to know well what are yours skills (both technical and personal), define exactly what you want to do and where you want to go and finally confront yourself in a realistic way with the job market local.

What you need to emigrate: sensitivity and openness to other cultures

Whether you emigrate to another European or Western country, where cultural differences are not great, or whether you choose a distant destination, especially from the point of view of ways of thinking and living, you will have to deal with a different approach to life. Who is successful as an expat is who knows how to recognize differences and accept them, while retaining the traits of its own culture of origin. Different social and eating habits, for example, can become a source of annoyance if we remain anchored to the idea that "in Italy people are warmer and eat better".

My advice is to take with humor and lightness the things we like least and the more they seem alien to our new homeland. And at the same to enjoy even more the ways of doing that we are familiar with when we return home. In general, only an open and tolerant attitude allows you to integrate into a new country. Without it, it doesn't even make sense to emigrate.

what you need to emigrate
You have to know what you want, what you are looking for, what you can do. Without this awareness you will not be able to be successful in your expat experience and you will get much less than what you expect.

What you need to emigrate: ability to communicate and create new human relationships

In life, the difference is not the money, the job position or the amount of objects we own. The people we surround ourselves with do it. In order to really call the country you moved to home, you will need to have friends, meet new people. In short, establish new relationships. Building a social network. Maybe you have always been a companion and an extrovert. In this case it will certainly be easier for you. But if you have always thought of yourself as a shy and shy person, it's time to review your attitude. You don't have to change your nature. But if you really want to make your expat experience a success, you have to be more open, look for opportunities to meet and get to know, show availability towards others.

Be aware that you will come to a place where people have already created their groups of friends. So it will probably take you an extra effort to get into it. The positive side is that in many cities around the world you will find expat community Comets, all united by the desire to weave new human relationships.

What you need to emigrate: self-confidence, curiosity and a sense of challenge

They say that if you don't believe in yourself no one will. Leaving habits and reference points means abandoning known terrain. And at the same time everything that gives you security. It takes confidence, courage, and a bit of nerve to arrive in a completely new place, among unknown faces, without rescue anchors. Even if you didn't think you were a very brave person, you will have to change your mind. You'll bring out all the grit you didn't know you had if you really want to make it.

It will surely help you be curious and want to know, experiment, try. Especially at the beginning, it will allow you to explore the city. To ask questions of those who have always lived there. To start speaking the language even if you are not too sure (but you have too much desire to communicate and ask to make you stop). To read the local newspapers and the books that tell the story.

Finally, you cannot miss the sense of challenge. The stubbornness to carry on until you are able to achieve your goals (integrate, find work and a home, create a group of friends, and so on), with perseverance and determination. Without ever giving up, not even in difficult times.

What you need to migrate: what features will help you be successful if you move abroad last edit: 2017-04-07T07:06:50+02:00 da Julia Gagliardi
