Well yes, dear friends of the show and passionate viewers, FantaSanremo is the fantasy game that fascinates everyone, absolutely everyone! An explosive mix of strategy, music and a pinch of madness, all inspired by the glorious Italian Song Festival. But be careful, we are not talking about a game of Risk with Pippo Baudo as general, but about managing virtual teams with five artists competing.

FantaSanremo, the birth

In 2020, a group of entertainment visionaries decide that the world needs more fantasy in its life and, why not, even a little musical competition. Between musicians, music teachers and sound engineers (because who better than them to create a musical game?), Fantasanremo takes shape.

The right inspiration comes from the Fantasy Game of Thrones, because what else could be more exciting than a mashup between songs of love and dragons?

Initially, the game was intended only for a local audience, but then something magical happens: Rai Radio 2 mentions it during the Festival of Sanremo. Not a banal Festival, but the Italian one, the true and unique one! At that point the game stops being a local secret and becomes a national star.

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In 2021, the pandemic decides to put an end to street games and FantaSanremo, like any intelligent celebrity, moves online. A overwhelming success and registrations that are growing more and more.

And what better way to celebrate virtual success than with virtual banknotes? “Baudi,” they all shout in chorus, paying homage to the great Pippo Baudo, the icon of the Festival. The Municipal Administration of Porto Sant'Elpidio decides that Fantasanremo is the new pride of the city and decides to support this virtual adventure.

The rules, curiosities and some advice

Here is the icing on the cake of FantaSanremo glory: the Treccani institute has decreed that our beloved game is the neologism of the year 2022! Sure, it's not exactly like winning a Grammy, but we welcome the moment of lexical glory.

The Evolutionary Regulations of Fantasanremo are like a kaleidoscope that changes more often than Lady Gaga's clothes during a concert. Always evolving, it is the music world's response to Darwinism applied to online games.

Each participant, armed with genius and fortitude, creates a virtual team made up of five artists of the Sanremo Festival. Each player has 100 Baudi, the game currency, to form their team.

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Bonuses and penalties they are awarded with the same enthusiasm as a competition judge during a tango final. The artists' performances influence the overall score, and in this fierce competition, each point counts more than a dedication from Albano to Romina. To make everything even more exciting, there is even an app dedicated to the game.

This year too, Fantasanremo reaffirms itself as a timeless phenomenon of Italian pop culture. The deadline to form your team is set at Monday 5 February 2024 at 23:59. An advice? Focus on young people. We'll see some good ones.

FantaSanremo: what the game linked to the Sanremo Festival is and how it works last edit: 2024-01-11T17:30:00+01:00 da Cristina Gatto
