Today Marani, president of Serie C, spoke about various topics regarding the Serie C. Then he focused on the possible application of the Yes for all third series races.

The question was: could VAR be used throughout the Serie C tournament, as happens in the major leagues? marani he responded with something new: “first of all this year we will have VAR in all the playoffs and playouts and it is not a trivial thing considering the type of investment. Applying it to the entire Serie C tournament, however, would require an investment of around 14 million euros, i.e. an impossible figure. Also because, it is right to remember that Serie C has three times as many matches as Serie A and B. This would also require a significant number of staff who aren't even there at the moment."

Var in Serie C? The news last edit: 2023-12-07T21:16:00+01:00 da Staff

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