It's been 19 years but those images will remain in our memory forever. We remained glued to the TV for hours for days, with bated breath, with terror and anguish for the fate of our compatriots but also for the thousands of missing.September 11th the 2001 terrorist attack on the heart of the United States entered the collective memory of all humanity. A sad event that changed everyone. The rubble under the Twin Towers, all those victims, has pushed nations to unite in the common struggle to eradicate terrorism.

The memorial to the Twin Towers in New Tork
The names of the victims engraved on the memorial

Twin Towers, the memory at the Consulate

In that attack on the Twin Towers 38 Italians also died. But there were many injured and those who escaped that tragic moment. Many Italians were headed to the World Trade Center as they do every day. But some of them managed to escape that tragic moment. Chance, fate. After so many years, however, the memory does not pass. And so today, at 18pm New York, at the Consulate General of Italy there will be a commemoration of the Italian and Italian American victims. The ceremony in which the representatives of COMITES and the CGIE, the Apostolic Nuncio, the Fire Brigade and the New York Police will take part will be characterized by the reading of the names of the victims. Live on the Facebook page of the Consulate the ceremony to allow the whole Italian community to remember.

Rubble after the Twin Towers attack
Rescue after 11 September in the rubble

The names of the Italian victims of the Twin Towers

According to what was reported many months after the terrible attack on the Twin Towers, the Italian victims were 38. A long list, with names of all ages, published a few years ago by the newspapers. Among them were ordinary people, financial operators, managers, responsible for international affairs. And then firefighters, police officers, supervisors, employees, managers, insurance brokers, consultants.

The Italian survivors

Many also the Italians who escaped the attack on the World Trade Center. Some were in the towers and recounted those tragic moments. The loud roar and the very strong vibrations. And then the escape, between fire and dust. Among all the testimony by Martina Gasperotti, who told about that terrible day a few years ago. "There is not a detail that has particularly impressed me, because I will always carry everything with me - he had told -. The dust, the screams. My mind will never let go of certain memories, like people who let themselves fall into the void. The thud of bodies falling to the ground shocked me". And then the mad rush for survival.

The New York Memorial in place of the Twin Towers
The structure built where the towers stood

What happened that day, some history

Who knows if the new generations will have the opportunity to remember. Above all, the memory of those who lived through those tragic moments will count, a memory necessary so that what happened does not happen again. Here's what happened. They were 9 am in New York when two planes were hijacked by Al Qaeda terrorists and crashed into the World Trade Center, the Twin Towers symbol of the Big Apple. Soon after, the Pentagon was also hit and a plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Thousands of people died.

But among the victims there are still many years later those people who died due to the fumes and poisons breathed after the attack. The 11/XNUMX memorial with the names of the victims carved in stone is what remains today. The reconstruction took a long time and every year this day is lived all over the world with a moment of silence and reflection. Not to forget.

11 September 2001, certain dates are not forgotten last edit: 2020-09-11T14:00:00+02:00 da Federica Puglisi
