The Patriarch of Venice Francesco Moraglia makes his own and joins the message of invitation to peace by Pope Francesco. An appeal, that of the Supreme Pontiff, which was addressed to those who have decision-making responsibilities. "Let them make a serious examination of conscience before God - the Pope said - Who is the God of peace and not of war: the father of all, not just of someone, who wants us to be brothers and not enemies". In these particularly difficult hours for the whole world, Pope Francis has invited everyone, believers and non-believers, to do a day of fasting for peace on March 2, the Day of Ashes, which for Christians represents the beginning of the period of Lent.

The Patriarch writes Francesco Moraglia"We are preparing to live with intensity and participation next Ash Wednesday, March 2, as a day of prayer, fasting and a great unanimous invocation for peace in Ukraine". The participation of the Church of Venice in this initiative does not stop there. Indeed it anticipates it. With a prayer appointment, tomorrow Sunday 27 February, in the historic Basilica della Salute. All are invited to attend. In particular, and there will be many, the faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic community in Venice.

“The war in Ukraine touches us closely and enters the life of our communities”, so Patriarch Francesco Moraglia

Particularly touching is the message of the Patriarch who in these days at the end of Carnival, days that should be of lightness, highlights - and it could not be otherwise - the dramatic relevance of the present. Thinking in the first place of the pain of that land and of those populations that in large part also live in Italy. "The war in Ukraine touches us closely and enters the life of our communities. We feel it dramatically in these hours through the pain, tears, worries and grief of so many Ukrainian people, women and men who live and work in our territories. We extend our affectionate thoughts to them and to the entire population of Ukraine and assure us of our closeness and prayer. Prayer, for us, remains the strongest and most 'disarming' tool we have at our disposal ”.

Dialogue, confrontation, democracy: indispensable for this conflict to end

"We are living through days that we had so much hoped not to have to live. When the weapons and methods of violence and war are used, then everything becomes a possible and terrible reality. Even the most tragic things, such as civilian and military deaths. For this reason it is essential to pray, hope and - those who can and have the authority to do so - work to ensure that this conflict ceases as soon as possible and that the method of dialogue, confrontation and diplomacy is used again.". "We ask God for the gift of peace - concludes the Patriarch - that we men, alone, are unable to guarantee. And we do it through the sure intercession of Mary. Mother of Jesus and our Mother, invoked in East and West as Queen of Peace. And here in Venice as 'Madonna della Salute', that is, as the one who takes care of the suffering of all his children".

The Patriarch of Venice Francesco Moraglia: "We ask God for the gift of peace" last edit: 2022-02-26T16:30:00+01:00 da Cristina Campolonghi
