Al Olympic Theatre of Rome there is Bubble Revolution, from 25 to 27 November the show by Marco Zoppi and Rolanda will be staged, which has traveled around the world, visiting 60 countries on 4 continents and registering over 300 spectators.

Bubble Revolution

Marco Zoppi Roland are considered among the top international bubbles artists, awarded a New York by the International Magician Society of Merlin Award, the Oscar of Magic. The show drags the viewer into the world of soap bubbles, an experience that belongs to the life of each of us. Perhaps one of the first fascinating mysteries that capture our imagination. The marvelous perfection of roundness, the impalpable fragility, the evanescence of the bubble are elements which, despite the technological evolution and the advent of the digital that pervades every aspect of our lives, maintain a unique charm.

Bubble Revolution

Marco and Rolanda become art sculptors and jugglers of fantastic creations; the two artists take the audience on an exciting journey nethe magical world soap bubbles, a dreamlike dimension where everything is possible and there are no limits to the imagination. “Bubbles Revolution is not a show 'of' soap bubbles, but it is a show 'with' soap bubbles – he says Marco Zoppi – In the show we use bubbles not as an end, but as a means to tell a story. And I don't mean my story and Rolanda's, but that of all of us. Because it is the story of an emotion that belongs to us and that is as simple as it is complicated to explain: amazement!”.

(Images official page Bubbles Revolution)

At the Teatro Olimpico in Rome the fantastic Bubbles Revolution show last edit: 2022-11-24T15:30:00+01:00 da Staff
