THEEuropean Union launches a lifebelt to the countries affected by the emergency coronavirus. Presented on SURE plan, an instrument of solidarity from 100 billion euros to help businesses and workers. In recent days she had already intervened in favor of funding national for i health systems and directed research towards the development of a Vaccine. Now adopt measures for economic recovery. Satisfaction of the premier Giuseppe Conte that waited since the beginning of this pandemic a position taken by the European Union.
“We are called to fulfill a qualitative leap that qualifies us as a 'union' from a political and social point of view, even more than an economic one, ”Conte said bluntly. The emergency, the Prime Minister specified, requires "an extraordinary response, since the nature and characteristics of the current crisis are such as to jeopardize the very existence of the common European home". “We need more courage”, says Conte in Brussels, “a life jacket” is not enough. “We need a lifeboat”.
Piano SURE, the details
For the EU, it is necessary above all mitigate the impact as much as possible of this crisis. Economic recovery will be ensured by avoiding layoffs and helping businesses. One of the solutions will be that of reduce working hours to guarantee it to a wider pool of people. There The Commission will therefore disburse up to € 100 billion in the form of Loans to countries that need it to ensure that i workers receive an income and that the companies retain their own staff. Support measures are also foreseen for self-employed workers. In this way citizens will be able to continue paying rent, bills and food purchases and the economy will find the necessary stability.
SURE: help those most in need
The European Commission has predicted aids also for the disadvantaged people. Those who do not work and who live counting on the help of others, often families, even for the more basic needs.
From Brussels they let it be known that aid is planned for these citizens. They will be provided electronic coupons for internet purchases and protection devices for operators who work in the solidarity chains they distribute food goods.
Ursula Von Der Leyen: "Every euro of the EU to manage the crisis"
“Every euro available in the EU budget will be redirected to crisis management, every rule will be simplified for allow funding to flow quickly and effective ", explains in a note, the president of the Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen.
“The new solidarity instrument will mobilize 100 billion euros to ensure that i citizens do not lose their jobs and keep businesses in business. Our efforts join those of the Member States for save lives and protect livelihoods. This is the European solidarity".
# Italian in the heart