The blood and the word, concert event with the brand new and unpublished cantata by Nicola Piovani, one of the most important contemporary composers. The event was promoted by the Constitutional Court and carried out in collaboration with Rai and the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. The President of the Republic attended the event Sergio Mattarella together with the highest offices of the state. The concert was held in Piazza del Quirinale; in the background the two institutions symbolizing constitutional values, the presidency of the Republic and the Palazzo della Consulta. The text is freely drawn from Aeschylus' Eumenides, from the Italian Constitution and from the preparatory work of the Constituent Assembly.

The blood and the word

The blood and the word is the latest effort by Nicola Piovani, creator and promoter of the evening, a cantata for narrator, solos, choir and orchestra. The opera was performed by the Orchestra and Chorus of the Opera House with two solo voices, those of the sopranos Maria Agresta e Maria Rita Combattelli, accompanied by the reciting voice of Andrea Pennacchi. The text, written by Piovani himself together with Paola Ponti, is freely inspired by Eumenides of Aeschylus and the Italian Constitution.

authority concert blood and word
The authorities present at the event

The Eumenides

The theme of Eumenides is that of civilization of law. In his work, Aeschylus exalts his principles, born in ancient Athens more than 2500 years ago, on which modern civil societies are also founded. It was 621 BC. C. when the first court of the city was established in the Greek capital, forever changing the fate of human history. Since then, problems are no longer solved with violence and blood, but with words and reason.

This is a principle which is also the basis of Italian constitution, thanks to its reaffirmation by the constituent mothers and fathers that in Second after war they brought democracy back to Italy. Maestro Piovani was inspired by these two factors of our history, which allowed us to found our country on important values ​​such as justice and law. In addition to the new cantata, the concert also included the performance of some of the Maestro's most popular works. Between these The night of San Lorenzo and Life is beautiful, famous soundtrack of the film that won the Oscar.

(Images and videos

The blood and the word, concert event at the Quirinale last edit: 2022-07-23T09:50:56+02:00 da Staff
