The vaccination campaign in Italy, which began on Sunday 27 December 2020 as in the rest of Europe, a Vday that will remain in the health history of our continent, is being updated. According to a plan that takes into account the different availability of vaccines and the priorities relating to the categories most at risk. First of all it should be remembered that the goal of the Italian Ministry of Health is to achieve the distribution and subsequent administration of ten / thirteen million doses. This, by the end of March and the beginning of April, as the Undersecretary for Health explained to Radio Rai 1 Sandra Zampa.

This objective can be achieved only by adjusting the shot of the administration in the different regions. The trend is developing, in this first period, a bit patchy, also arousing some controversy, particularly in the Lombardy region, due to delays and problems related to the lack of doctors and health personnel on vacation.

The categories that will be vaccinated first

The picture of the situation of the vaccination campaign. As announced, the categories that will be vaccinated first are those identified as priorities: health and social health workers, staff and guests of nursing homes for the elderly, altogether about two million people. To this figure must be added the number of all seniors over the age of eighty and which are almost four and a half million. Secondly it will be up to men and women aged between 60 and 79, for a total of about thirteen and a half million people. We will then add that slice of population with chronic co-morbidities, around 7 and a half million. Teachers and school staff they will be vaccinated in the second and third quarter of the year.


It will then be up to the operators who carry out their activities in essential services. Among these, the police, those who work in prisons or serve in community places. The last quarter of the year should be reserved for rest of the population over 16 years of age as the vaccine is not yet officially approved for children. The best vaccine protection is achieved only after the second injection, with an interval of about three weeks which should be the right one for almost any vaccine currently being administered or approved.

Lazio is the region that has administered the most doses of the vaccine

At the moment in Italy there are about 170 thousand doses administered. In first place the Lazio region with over 22 thousand vaccines. This is thanks to an excellent performance of its organizational campaign, already tested in the testing phase. The vaccination campaign is also going very well in Trento, while - as we said - there are problems in Lombardy, but also in Molise and Calabria. Clearly, a few days after the start of the vaccination campaign, we are still in a running-in phase. It is important to be able to recover quickly because the situation remains critical throughout the country and overall in Europe.

Vaccine Day - Vials of vaccine against Covid
Photo: © Pexels.

In Britain we started yesterday with the administration also of Oxford AstraZeneca, is the first country in the world. Italy is expected to receive a total of 26,92 million Pfizer-Biontech vaccines. Soon there should also be the green light, in compliance with the utmost attention to guarantee and safety, also for the Moderna vaccine. To these two should be added later AstraZeneca. As the Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri has repeated on several occasions, the goal is to arrive in September with two thirds of Italians vaccinated in order to develop herd protection. We can do it, according to Sileri, by speeding up times and with everyone's collaboration.

Step of the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 last edit: 2021-01-05T12:05:21+01:00 da Cristina Campolonghi
