He is the voice of entire generations, of the nineties and beyond, capable with his music of telling, love, adolescence, nostalgia. And now comes a new album, with twelve unreleased songs that tell the maturity of this great artist, but also a blast from the past. The record work of Max Pezzali is called “Something new”, the soundtrack of many Italians, no longer very young. An album designed in recent months and ready already in April. But he waited until "Something New" came the last piece inserted. The album was released on October 30th.
“Something new”, twelve tracks from different genres
And in this new album the ex of 883 marries different sounds Twelve tracks, ranging from classic romantic ballads and featuring trap and hip-hop. It is a bit of a sort of return to the nineties revisited, however, in modernity and in the desire for rebirth of this strange 2020. The last piece, in fact, “Something new”, was added almost at the end. A song from Los Angeles, written by Michele Canova and Jacopo Ettore. "It hit exactly what I wanted to say - Pezzali told the press -, an undertone of optimistic melancholy that is the mood of many of us right now".
Optimism and loves but also "Something new"
The album “Something new” thus also encompasses many years of a long career. The one that began with 883, from "They killed Spider-Man", to "You are a myth", to "The years". Maz Pezzali has never stopped in recent years. He told with his usual stamp that he almost "caresses" like a pat on the back of a friend. Because this artist was really able to go through the most important years of contemporary music always with great successes. "For me the legacy of those years - he said - it's a blind faith in the idea of pop which for many, even in the genres that I listened to, was something worse".
A memory of the past but also a look to the future
And so if many sounds return, the novelty of “Something new” is also that of having come even closer to contemporary authors. To those so loved by millennials. "I would like to leave to today's kids - added - this suggestion: we were the first to be considered an "irrelevant" generation, the generation of disengagement, with no stories to tell. Don't be impressed by those who now say the same about you. I have experienced it on my skin, it is a normal self-defense mechanism of all generations".
A puzzle to be broken down and reassembled with music
And so Max Pezzali still runs through contemporary music. Like a puzzle to be composed, which traces the story of a generation from the suburbs, tinged with a certain optimism but also with that melancholy that he sang in the song "The Years" when he was still very young.
The collaborations of this new album In Qualcosa di nuovo also many collaborations. And in fact there is a passage with J-Ax and in “I look crazy” he sings with Tormento (ex Sottotono). And then a tribute to young people with "We are what we are". In fact, here is the collaboration with Gionny Scandal. "I was fascinated by Gionny's emo-trap world - Pezzali said-. The song is about how, despite the differences, there are common points between us too". And finally, the collaboration with Fabio Volo, from which the idea of the video for “Something new” was born, directed by Gianluca Leuzzi.