Among the trendy characters TV ranks first - in the world! - the very young Italian Beatrice bruschi, known to the very young public as the Sana Series Skam Italy. Now in its fourth season, Skam is now translated into seven languages (English, French, Spanish, Polish, Turkish, Spanish, Chinese). And for numbers and unleashed social interest it definitely makes Commissioner Montalbano pale.
Co-produced by Cross Productions in collaboration with timvision, is visible on Timvision and on Netflix. Protagonists high school students Romans struggling with doubts, uncertainties, dreams and difficulties typical of adolescence and post-adolescence. As was the case with the British cult series of the early XNUMXs, Skins, also in Skam the very difficult entry of children into adult life is staged, the relationship between increasingly angular between parents and children. The life that we have all gone through, we have to go through or we are going through in short. In Italy as everywhere, obviously. Only this time the Italian version of such a predictable format must have moved strings that are not so obvious if in the international ranking of tv trending topic our Sana surpassed the much loved Eliza Taylor of The 100 and the Oscar-winning Viola Davis of How to get away with murder. Not bad.
The Italian remake of the original edition of Skam is directed byLudwig Bessed with his team which has had to carry out careful adaptation work from the popular formats in Norway since 2015. Nel cast Italian by choice of Bessegato very young actors appear, almost all of them having their first experience on the set. They act naturally what they do best: themselves, ultimately.
Openly born as teen-series, Skam is gradually conquering even the largest audience. At Cross Productions report the arrival not only of feedback of adolescent public but, unexpectedly, also of adults, mostly parents. An important sign. To keep social sharing alive (with good results, obviously) each episode is accompanied by content extra published daily on the official website: clips of the episode, backstage, messages from the young actors, focus on the protagonist.
Each season, albeit a choral one, shines a light on a particular cast member. And in the fourth it stands out Sana, played by Bruschi. Sana is an XNUMX-year-old Italian Muslim daughter of Tunisian parents. Proud to wear the veil but very far from being submissive, as the clichés would like. Sana, also featured in the Norwegian mother series, is a complex and multi-faceted character. It is liked because it is determined and free from prejudices and labels. The construction of the character of the Italian version, so well designed, is thanks to the advice of the activist sociologist and writer Sumaya Abdel Qader.
In Italy it is not at all obvious to deal in an original series issues delicate such as the integration of second generations, Islamophobia, but not only homophobia, revenge porn, the discovery of sexuality, feminism. A success not for all ages perhaps, but basically meritorious. Moreover, if a young Italian stubborn who plays an even more stubborn Tunisian young woman shoots at the top of the tv trending topic world championships, it will mean something.