Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina
website: www.radiolaluna.com.ar
We really have Italy in the world in our hearts! Making the true traditions and Italian culture known through the Radio makes the many Italians who live in Argentina feel at home.
Selected by: enBuenosAires
Through the vision of different generations of Italians and Italoargentini, united by the love for their roots.
Music, cultural columns and humor are the quality marks of this program which has been broadcast every Thursday from 2014:15 to 00:17 Argentine hours since 00 by Radio La Luna, recognized in 2018 by the Federation of Calabrian Associations in Argentina (FACA ), for the
his commitment to the transmission of news and traditions of the Italian community in Argentina and qualified by the Comitè of Italians abroad (Com.It.Es. of Buenos Aires) for his commitment to the diffusion of Italian music.
Conduction: Alessandra Ruggiero
Co-management: Carmelo Napoli
- Fabrizia Fioroni with "Italy in the world"
- Franco Ferrara with "An old Italian song" and "Tarantellando"
- Vito Vitto with "The most listened to song"
Technical operation: Diego Noziglia
Radio La Luna AM1140 - www.radiolaluna.com.ar
Facebook: Alessandra Carmelo
ITALY IN THE WORLD is a radio column presented by the Roman journalist Fabrizia Fioroni. It is a space dedicated to spreading the culture, traditions and curiosities of our beautiful country, completely in Italian and with a lot of humor. Fabrizia is also a teacher of Italian and
writer and with L'ITALIA NEL MONDO combines business with pleasure, making known the true Italian culture, understood in its many aspects, and, at the same time, giving the opportunity to practice the Italian language, the sweet language, to listeners who do not they are Italian, as Fabrizia resides in
Buenos Aires for several years, and the radio program is broadcast in Argentina.
Every Thursday, 15:30 pm Argentina, within the MUSICALISSIMA AM 1140 program, streaming.