Pope Francis underwent surgery in the late afternoon at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome; now he awaits hospitalization and a patient convalescence. The surgery took place under general anesthesia to perform a laparotomy and plastic surgery of the abdominal wall with a prosthesis. It is operated by the professor's team Sergio Alfieri who had already operated on him two years ago. For health problems that have arisen, the hearings of Holy Father have been canceled until next June 18th.

Pope Francis operated on at Gemelli

The surgery was carried out without complications and lasted three hours; later the pontiff was taken back to his apartment on the tenth floor of the polyclinic. Pope Bergoglio arrived at the hospital late this morning after the hearing in the churchyard of St. Peter's Square. On board a car with tinted windows, he arrived directly at the building from a secondary passage, the same one used for the previous shelter. The car was escorted by some blue cars from the Vatican and also from the Italian police.

The Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome

The operation, arranged in recent days by the medical team assisting the Holy Father, became necessary due to an incarcerated incisional hernia that was causing recurring, painful and worsening sub-occlusive syndromes. The hospitalization in the health facility will last several days to allow for the normal post-operative course and full functional recovery. "We follow him with our affection, we follow him with our prayers, hoping that everything will be resolved as soon as possible and he will return to the exercise of his ministry". Thus the cardinal Peter Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See.

Best wishes from President Mattarella

“Your Holiness, in view of your admission to the Policlinico Gemelli I would like to send you my best wishes for the positive outcome of the operation you underwent this afternoon. The whole Italian people are close with feelings of affection and solidarity, which I fully mine. At this moment, in addition to the prayers of the Catholic faithful, she can count on the sympathetic thoughts of countless people, believers and non-believers. I renew to Your Holiness my most sincere wishes for a peaceful convalescence, and a prompt and complete recovery". This is the greeting message sent to the Pope by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

(Photo Agency Ansa)

Pope Francis operated on at Gemelli, now a post-operative course of several days awaits him last edit: 2023-06-07T22:44:24+02:00 da Staff
