The gorgeous and elegant Torino hides dark sides. The world of the occult finds fertile ground, as citizens well know. A clear example is represented by Statuto Square, which hides disturbing details to say the least. At its center is a huge monument. This was erected in 1879 with the intention of celebrate the construction of the Frejus railway tunnel. An event that occurred eight years earlier. The idea of ​​such a work came to the president of the Albertina Academy, in the world Count Marcello Panissera di Veglio.

The structure is almost mainly composed of huge boulders, interlocked to obtain a pyramidal shape. These were obtained from the excavation of the tunnel. In the highest part, impossible not to notice it, stands a winged genius. He also boasted, until a few years ago, a five-pointed star. Supporting her meant showing off the symbol of knowledge. To complete the whole, some marble figures representing the Titans. The underlying concept would be: the triumph of reason over brute force.

The legend of Piazza Statuto

The urban legend that hovers over Piazza Statuto concerns the huge statue placed at its center. The darkest theories would like nothing but the inside Gate of Hell. To push popular belief in this satanic direction was the position of the work.

Piazza Statuto - Turin
Piazza Statuto - Turin - Source: Wikipedia, Author: K Weise CC BY-SA 3.0

This is located on the 45th parallel. It would therefore form the vertex of the triangle of black magic, composed of Turin, London and San Francisco. According to some, the top of this figure would be located in Piazza Statuto. Turning our gaze to a much more remote past, we discover how in Roman times this area was used to execute those sentenced to death, who were buried in the same place. A well thought out choice. The current square is in fact located to the west, where the sun disappears and the reign of darkness begins.

Is the Genius Lucifer?

Over the decades, esoteric experts have focused particularly on the statue of Winged genius. In popular tradition this figure is generally superimposed on that of Lucifer. The winged genius would be none other than the angel expelled from heaven, who became a demon. His gaze turns downward and his hands point to the ground. The statue would therefore indicate particularly the ground rather than the sky. The depths of the Earth where the Devil was condemned and confined by God.

Monument to the Fréjus tunnel
Monument to the Fréjus tunnel - Source: Wikipedia, Author: K Weise - Public domain

One therefore wonders if all this can have a link with the disappearance of the star, which once adorned the highest part of the monument. According to some, it would not be a common star and certainly not to be understood as a symbol of knowledge. It was none other, they say, than the pentacle, or the symbol of the antichrist.

Since 2013 the statue has been without it. In fact, in that year, it disappeared into thin air. To date it is not known whether it was a vandal act, a full-blown theft or the unfortunate event caused by particularly turbulent weather conditions. However, there are those who believe that everything is connected to the similarity with the pentacle, which someone would have liked to make disappear.

Esoteric Turin: discovering Piazza Statuto last edit: 2021-08-22T15:30:00+02:00 da Luca Crowned
