Il Covid-19 back to scare the New Zealand. After the acknowledgment of 3 cases of positivity to the virus in the city of Auckland (one of the most populous in the country), the prime minister Jacinda Ardern he decided to block the whole city for 72 hours, from midnight on 14 February to Wednesday 17. The three positives would be part of the same family unit and, at the moment, there do not seem to be any other confirmed cases. The three day lockdown in Auckland (called the "City of sails”) Also interrupted the final stages of the Prada cup, valid forAmerica’s Cup. The Italian Red Moon di Patrick Bertelli, which to date has played a splendid competition, winning 4 races to 0 against the British team Ineos, will then have to stop. The third day of racing, scheduled for 17 February, will therefore be postponed (probably to Thursday).

The winning management of New Zealand's Covid-19 emergency

these 3 days of lockdown for solo 3 positives might seem exaggerated, but they fit perfectly into the "zero tolerance”That New Zealand has against the Covid-19. This made it possible to avoid the creation of dangerous outbreaks, as happened in many other countries, including Italy. Until now, the oceanic state has been able to fight the pandemic and become one of the very few territories "covid-free" of the world. In fact, in January, a Waitangi and in Hawke's Bay two concerts of the band took place SIX60, in the presence of approx 20mila people (without mask). Since the start of the pandemic, New Zealand has only registered 23.330 cases, with suns 25 deaths, nothing if compared, for example, toItaly (one of the countries most affected by the pandemic) that counts today 2,72 million of cases e 93.577 deaths.

New Zealand - covid-free SIX60 Hawke's Bay concert
Photo: © SIX60 (official Facebook page).

Because Italy cannot follow the same approach

But New Zealand's zero tolerance approach (andAustralia) could it be effective in our country? Not really. First of all, Italy was the first in Europe to be hit fiercely by the pandemic. The virus has been around relentlessly ever since and hasn't been easy to manage. Secondly, there are the borders. The traffic of people from other countries (especially European) in and out of Italy is higher than that of New Zealand. One of the useful solutions would be to opt for a new one at this point national lockdown (as already done in other EU countries, such as the French).

New Zealand - lockdown sign

The idea of ​​a lockdown in Italy is more and more concrete, but also a lot divisive. On the one hand, virologists hope for this solution to reduce infections, on the other there are many who fear a new block, for economic and social reasons. Although Italy is almost monochrome (yellow), le new variants of Covid-19 circulating with increasing rapidity have led to the creation of small ones local red areas (in the territories of Abruzzo, South Tyrol, Molise, Toscana, Sicilia e Umbria), to try to stem the problem. Unfortunately, the spread of the virus is already far ahead and, without a total lockdown, only the mass vaccination will be able to free us from Covid-19.

Fortunately, the vaccine plan (albeit with some problems) is progressing very well and in the coming months the 70% of Italians will have received the anti-Covid vaccine. Ecosystem's staff is 5 March the terms of the last DPCM will expire and the new government is ready to approve new restrictions. L'opening up of the regions (scheduled for last Monday) has been postponed to 25 February, but may receive new referrals. Unfortunately, it will take some time before you have aItaly covid-free, as New Zealand will soon be. At the moment, to contain the spread of the virus, we just have to wait to be vaccinated, respecting the rules and avoiding unnecessary gatherings.

3 cases become 3 days of lockdown, as New Zealand tackles Covid last edit: 2021-02-16T19:00:00+01:00 da Antonello Ciccarello

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