In budget law 2024 the government has foreseen the "Mothers' bonus 2024”, an initiative that aims to support families, encourage birth rates and improve female employment.

What does the 2024 mothers bonus include?

The Bonus includes theexemption from social security contributions (9,19% of the salary), up to a maximum of 3.000 euros per year to be re-proportioned monthly, for workers who have at least three children, even adopted or fostered.

For 2024, on an experimental basis, the bonus is also awarded in the presence of two sons.

Who is it for?

The Bonus is aimed at female employees public or private with a permanent or part-time contract who have:

  • 3 or more children, up to the month of the youngest child's 18th birthday;
  • 2 children, up to the month of the youngest child's 10th birthday.
Mothers manage home and children

How do you request it?

The request for the 2024 mothers bonus can be submitted either to employer and INPS, communicating the number of children and their tax code.

Who is excluded?

The following were excluded from the contribution exemption domestic workers (housekeepers, carers), the free ones VAT registered professionals, those who have a occasional or continuous collaboration contract and the workers mothers with only one child dependent, even if disabled.

Mothers' bonus 2024: who is entitled to it? last edit: 2024-03-11T09:16:57+01:00 da laracalogiuri
