The earth trembles. In recent weeks, newspapers and TG increasingly open with this news. Continuous earthquakes have been shaking Central Italy for several months, sowing panic and destruction among the population.
But how much do we know about earthquakes? At the Museum of Natural History in Milan until April 30 it will be possible to discover something more with the exhibition Earthquakes. Origins, stories and secrets of the movements of the Earth.
Earthquakes: the answers to our why
From Amatrice to Accumoli, passing through Norcia. Whole countries devastated by the power of the earthquake. And once the damage has been counted, we ask ourselves the various, and common, questions. Why is the earth shaking? Is it possible to predict earthquakes? Can man be partly responsible?
Thanks to the initiative of the Museum of Milan we will find the answers on this phenomenon which, especially in Italy, occurs very frequently.
Seven rooms to tell how and why earthquakes are generated. From the structure of the earth's crust to explaining what faults are. The movements, the power released and the possible countermeasures. The links with other phenomena such as tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. But also a story about the study of the phenomenon, when man began to scientifically analyze it and the tools used over the centuries.
There is also ample space for earthquakes in Italy such as that of 1908 in Messina or of 2009 in Abruzzo.
Knowing helps to understand
Do not underestimate the knowledge of the phenomenon. This is the first useful countermeasure to deal with a possible disaster. Knowing how to behave and what to do during an earthquake can save our lives. Especially in Italy, a country geologically subject to this phenomenon, it is necessary to have a good culture on earthquakes. From anti-seismic structures to evacuation plans, up to reconstruction without building abuses. These are some of the salient points on which institutions and citizens must work. From now, immediately. Because the earth has trembled, trembled and will tremble again.
Here all the info on the exhibition