The use of the mask reduces the level of the Rt index. This was revealed by a study conducted on US data and published by 'The Lancet Digital Health'. The study shows that a 10 percent increase in the use of face shields is associated with a 3-fold increase in the probability of maintaining the infection rate Rt below 1. Which equates to greater control of SARS-CoV-2. The data is the result of an online survey conducted between June 3 and July 27, 2020.

lancet the mask

Communities where massive adoption of face masks and physical spacing has been reported have the highest expected chance of transmission control. Obligations alone are not enough to increase mask use rates. The study authors suggest that other interventions may be needed to improve community acceptance of the protective device. To arrive at the conclusions of the work, the scientists linked the data of the survey which involved more than 300 people, from all 50 US states and the District of Columbia.

The mask, the first weapon to defeat the virus

An Rt index of less than 1, the authors recall, shows that the virus is slowing down. “The goal - explains John Brownstein, of the Boston Children's Hospital, author of the study - is to provide a physical barrier that prevents the dispersion of virus-laden droplets. We recommend that policy makers consider additional strategies, in addition to obligations, to increase their use. This, in order to stop the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic ".

the mask

The web survey uses 378.207 responses. Most of the interviewees report being "very inclined" to wear a mask in the supermarket (84,6%). While less than half do so to visit family or friends (40,2%). Very few report "not wearing a mask at all" (4,7%). Self-reported use is highest among people 65 years of age and older (48%) and non-white race groups (Black, 62%; Hispanic, 57%; others, 49%).

Curve of infections: today's data

According to the data released by the Ministry of Health, today they are registered in Italy 10.497 new positive cases, while new deaths are 603. Discharged patients are cured 21.428; the swabs carried out are 254.070. Overall, the positive cases are 535.524, or 11.535 cheaper than yesterday. They still remain in intensive care 2.487 people while they are still forced into home isolation 510.338 Covid-19 positive subjects.

Covid, the mask reduces the levels of the Rt index last edit: 2021-01-19T17:57:21+01:00 da Staff

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