New official coach for Lecce: it's Gotti, as announced for days now. Now there is also the press release. But it won't be a year and a half contract but rather a very short contract until the end of the season with renewal linked to salvation.

Here is the press release: "US Lecce communicates that the technical management of the 1st team has been entrusted to Mister Luca Gotti. The coach has signed an agreement until 30 June 2024, with renewal in the event of salvation being achieved. They will train the technical staff available of mister Gotti the assistant coach Dan Vester by Thomassen the technical collaborator Stefano Daniel, the athletic trainer Salvatore Sciuto, the match analyst Simone Greco, the athletic trainer and injury recovery Giovanni De Luca and the goalkeeping trainer Luigi Sassanelli. Mister Gotti will be presented to the press by the Director General of the Technical Area Pantaleo Corvino and the Sports Director Stefano Trinchera, at 13 pm today in the “SergioVantaggiato” press room of the Via del Mare Stadium.”

Lecce, official! Gotti is the new coach: surprise in the contract last edit: 2024-03-13T09:48:18+01:00 da Staff
