May XNUMXst, Labor Day, the unions organize a large demonstration in Assisi. Sunday, May XNUMXst everyone in the city of 'Poverello' in piazza San Francesco for the national initiative promoted by the confederal trade union organizations. "At work for peace", this is the slogan of the initiative which provides, in addition to the testimonies of the union delegates, the rallies of the three general secretaries Maurizio Landini (CGIL), Luigi Sbarra (CISL), Pierpaolo Bombardieri (UIL).

Labour day

Work safety will be one of the most important themes of the event. In this regard, the three secretaries of Cgil, Cisl and Uil of Umbria, Vincenzo Sgalla, Angelo Manzotti and Maurizio Molinari, expressed themselves in this way. “May XNUMXst is a fundamental day for democracy and for our Republic founded on work. This year in Assisi it will be even more so for the universal message that will start from Piazza San Francesco. Assisi is a land of peace and it is important that the voice of the world of work rises from the city of the patron saint of Italy to say enough to the Russian aggression in Ukraine.


Basta to bloodshed, to military escalation. Enough of all the wars that bloodied the world. Work creates while war is only destruction. For this, let's get to work for peace ”. The key theme, therefore, will also be peace and resolution of the conflict in Ukraine which for two months has held the world in bated breath.

Labour day

In addition to the national demonstration in Assisi, the unions have organized dozens of events in the squares all over Italy in which delegates, workers and workers will speak with their stories and their testimonies.

Labor Day, national demonstration of trade unions in Assisi last edit: 2022-05-01T08:30:00+02:00 da Staff
