A great project in homage to Dante Alighieri and which once again puts Italianness at the center, and our language in the world. The project LAB Dante 700 Parole, promoted by "Lettere Maiuscole", the italiani.it team, which involves some of our bloggers from Latin America, has ended. A workshop that saw the participation of many Dante and Divine Comedy enthusiasts who measured themselves with language and creativity. Made elaborates that tell the great poet in the 700 years since death. The initiative was part of the many projects that our network has promoted on the occasion of the anniversary.

LAB Dante 700 to rediscover the great poet

The free literary experimentation laboratory took place from 29 November to 4 December 2021. The participants joined the group in the community it of italiani.it, the virtual square of our network where everything about our territories is told and above all the many Italians around the world are put online. And this project was aimed precisely at promoting the knowledge of one of the greatest authors of Italian literature.

The spread of Italian culture

LAB Dante 700 thus provided participants with the opportunity to read Dante and the Divine Comedy in particular with a different approach. Less scholastic and more interesting. This project was part of the numerous initiatives that italiani.it promoted in 2021 on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. Italy remembered the great poet not only with a real commemoration on the day of his death, but also with numerous cultural initiatives. Among the most important events throughout the country, the "DanteDì", but also the many in-depth television broadcasts to discover the man who is considered by all to be the father of the Italian language.

Lab 700 Dante
The poster of the project

And also italiani.it has written many insights in recent months. Direct and projects were promoted to make Dante Alighieri known to the new generations and above all to remember him in the best possible way. The message of the great poet, in fact, remains current. And we at italiani.it who promote Italianness in the world still remember it today as a point of reference for our culture and for the Italian language.

A testimony on LAB 700

Among the participants of the LAB Dante 700, as reported Article signed by Julieta B. Mollo, the team collected the testimony of Lorena Figueredo, a 35-year-old mother, born in Laguna Blanca, Formosa. Today she lives in Corrientes where she also graduated in Languages ​​and Literature. Lorena's workshop was an exciting experience. He participated in the workshop through the community "because - he tells - I am passionate about writing. He had never participated in anything like this before. Nor was I encouraged to write literary texts, so participating in this Lab was a real challenge for me. The category I chose was fiction in Spanish ”.

LAB Dante 700, the success of the italiani.it project last edit: 2022-01-05T16:58:19+01:00 da Federica Puglisi
