We are really pleased to announce that itChile, which is part of the italiani.it network, is an institution that is a friend of the Society of Chilean Bibliophiles.


italiani.it was created to connect all Italians in the world, using a network of websites, in Italy and abroad. itChile.it is one of the most recent sites of the eighty-five of italiani.it. ItChile's mission is to promote and make known the stories of the Italian community in Chile. The site also wants to enhance the territory, narrating the beauties and traditions of this wonderful country. The splendid work of the site coordinator, Mirtha Aldunce, together with the central editorial office of italiani.it, is allowing itChile to very quickly become a solid reality in the area. And we are still only at the beginning!

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Chilean Bibliographic Society

The Society of Chilean Bibliophiles, founded in Santiago de Chile in 1945, is a non-profit cultural institution whose the goal is to preserve the culture of the book. To do this, it reprints works of historical value, brings together collectors and organizes exhibitions. It currently has about 70 members, 3 of whom are women. Most are lawyers, but also Ambassadors, former Ministers, university professors, writers. Its most important member, card 80, is the poet Pablo Neruda, 1971 Nobel Prize for Literature. There are also two Presidents of the Republic, the Rector of the University of Chile (the No. 1 in the country) and the Director of the Library of Congress in Washington DC.

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The Company, in 2018, for the first time in its history, chose a woman as Director: Norma Alcaman, Master in Literature. In 2019: his begins international stage with the signing of the International Cultural Cooperation Agreement with the Tuscan Bibliographic Society, chaired by the lawyer Paolo Tiezzi. In 2020: due to the pandemic, he began preparing the first Italian-Chilean virtual exhibition "Pablo Neruda: 50 years since the Nobel Prize for Literature (1971-2021)" with the Museo del Libro del Mare (in the port of Sant'Antonio, Chile), the Tuscan Bibliographic Society, Tallone Editore (of Alpignano) and the Centro Caprense Ignazio Cerio.

itChile is a friend institution of the Society of Chilean Bibliophiles last edit: 2021-03-15T12:30:09+01:00 da Staff


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