Two “green” initiatives are born between Milan and Pisa, aimed at redeveloping the area by showing particular attention to environment protection and the fight against climate change. From the bio-sustainable forest in the Pisan area to the new residential complex surrounded by greenery in Milan, let's see in detail how the two projects are articulated.

Pisa, the first bio-sustainable forest is born

A forest that can help reduce the emission of Co2, better known as carbon dioxide. This is the Unicoop project Florence to redevelop a former industrial land in Montopoli, in the province of Pisa. The plan calls for the planting of 3.000 new trees on six hectares of land. A bio-sustainable maxi-forest, as, as explained by the chairman of the Supervisory Board of Unicoop Firenze Daniela Mori "It will be an incubator of diversity and with the trees planted it will be possible to reduce the impact of CO2 and fine particles, up to the point of helping to reduce the damage caused by climate change".

The initiative is called "Hug a tree, give life to a forest". It will also be the focus of a major popular participation campaign, culminating in Tree Day on November 21st. Unicoop Firenze members and customers will be able to give their support to the initiative with donations to the cash desks. The planting of the trees will begin in November and the inauguration of the forest is scheduled for March 2022. The first visits will be allowed starting in May.

environment - bosconavigli milan
Source: @stefanoboeriarchitetti

Milan, the Bosconavigli project and environmental protection

Even in the Lombard capital, the environment is safeguarded and the project is part of this perspective Bosconavigli, which bears the signature of Stefano Boeri. It is a residential complex that will rise near the Naviglio Grande, next to the ancient village of San Cristoforo. The project will be the heart of an entire renovation process which will invest the Navigli area and redevelop the village of San Cristoforo.

The main aspect of Bosconavigli will be its attention to the environment. It will be a sustainable complex, with the vegetative system designed to reduce pollution and reduce electricity consumption thanks to the protection guaranteed by the vegetation, which protects from the sun's rays and absorbs carbon dioxide.

The project also includes the construction of a large public green area that will develop on the eastern side of the complex. Environmental protection is also guaranteed by the adoption of the most advanced technological solutions such as the integration of photovoltaics with the architecture or the collection of rainwater to ensure the self-sufficiency of plant organisms.

Bosconavigli will be, as mentioned, the heart of the qualification project for the entire area in which it stands. It will drive other planned initiatives such as the refurbishment of the railway axis that unravels from Porta Genova towards San Cristoforo and the construction of a large public park that runs along the Naviglio Grande.

Photo source: @stefanoboeriarchitetti

Milan and Pisa: two projects for the protection of the environment last edit: 2021-09-28T15:30:00+02:00 da Claudius Cafarelli
