Knowing one's history is important, not only to find out who we have been, but also to understand our future. We Italians have a lot to tell, and a lot more to discover about ourselves. There are many stories that have occurred over the centuries in our beautiful peninsula, and these must be remembered and handed down to posterity. The itCittà tell, through the testimonies and words of citizens, the history of your city, your country and your land!

The history of Italy: the history of your city

It is known that every Italian city has a special history, which is the result of all the events in which it has been involved over the centuries. is proof that there is room for everyone on the web, both for large cities and for small towns. To each his fame, in short, and to each his story. Oh yes, why our portal has told you (and continues to tell with commitment) many stories of our beautiful country, from the most important events of the past to the most recent ones, to keep you always informed!

it tells the story of your city

Writing Italian stories, for each itCittà, means carrying out a project that sees each of you and each of your cities as protagonists of a journey to discover our identity. To talk about us and our history, we need to talk about you! Thanks to your opinions and your stories, we can offer a unique service, made up of real people, who have so much to say and so much to tell. We feel, together with you, part of this fabulous world, under the banner of the culture and deeds of our ancient historical characters, they too, like us, proud to be Italian!

The history of your city in one click is the network of Italians in the world! Celebrating our history as a people and as a nation is a must, because after all our history is what represents us, for better or for worse. The goal of each itCittà, in fact, is to tell not a story, but many, as many as there are adventures that have seen each region protagonist of extraordinary events. Although ours is a peninsula full of differences, basically we are all linked by a common spirit. Over the centuries, wars, battles between states, struggles for freedom, have seen the Italians stationed in the front row. Our story reminds us how brave our ancestors were, and how much it cost them to unite our beautiful Italy.

Satirical cartoon that sees Camillo Benso count of Cavour in the role of Don Abbondio, of the Betrothed
Satirical cartoon which sees Camillo Benso count of Cavour in the role of Don Abbondio, gods Betrothed

With it is possible to retrace all this: the past and present of every single place, which is told and which (sometimes) it's said. You have a unique platform at your fingertips, through which you can get information and through which you can discover much of the adventurous Italian history, from the dawn of the Republic to today. Each itCittà constantly strives to remember what is important is often forgotten, and transmits more and more the desire to know ourselves, thanks to our peculiar stories. We invite you to also publish your photos, which are precious in a world where sharing becomes more and more important!

It tells the story of your city last edit: 2018-05-24T18:44:15+02:00 da Marcella Calascibetta
