Il Hyperimmune Plasma ProjectLaunched by Lombardy Avis last June has already produced good results. In fact, in the last 6 months more than 2.200 bags of hyperimmune plasma to help the sick of Covid-19 admitted to hospitals in the region. Half of these come from Avis donors, while the rest come from hospital blood transfusion units. This is what emerges from the Avis Lombardia report, presented by the president Oscar Bianchi, during the press conference on November 20, which was also attended by the Avis Health Director of Bergamo, Barbara Giuissani, the Avis Health Director of Brescia, German Zana, the Avis Health Director of Cremona, Richard Merli, and the Avis Lombardia Health Director Giuseppe Cambie.

Iperimmune Plasma Program - Oscar Bianchi president of Avis Lombardia
Photo: © Avis Regionale Lombardia (official Facebook page).

Avis Lombardia took stock of the situation of the Iperimmune Plasma Project in three of the cities most affected in the first wave: Brescia, Bergamo e Cremona. In the first, up 35% periodic donors, only the 2,5% of them were found to be suitable for the project. TO Bergamo instead, on the beyond 1400 regular donors, 22% of them developed antibodies. The 40% among the immunized he was found to be suitable for the donation of hyperimmune plasma. Finally a Cremona in a 15% of the usual donors a high antibody titer was found, valid for the donation.

Lombardy Iperimmune Plasma Project: how the donation takes place

La donation hyperimmune plasma is on a voluntary basis and is addressed to those who have already recovered from Covid-19 (not too long). If during the first donation you are suitable (therefore with a high antibody titer), in the first month you can make them two donations in the reference collection center, a 14 days away from each other. After 6 months it will be possible to carry out new tests to evaluate if it is possible to make new donations. The collected plasma bags will then be sent to regional transfusion facilities and then to thepharmaceutical industry for processing.

La Lombardia was the Italian region most affected byCovid-19 emergency and, currently, the number of infections continues to be very high. Precisely for this reason, Avis Lombardia continues to launch its appeal to every possible donor who with their hyperimmune plasma can help in the fight against this still too strong and lethal virus.

Hyperimmune plasma: 2.200 bags collected in Lombardy last edit: 2020-11-22T12:05:03+01:00 da Antonello Ciccarello

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