'' For the sole purpose of tracing people who have come into contact with subjects who tested positive and protect their health through the planned prophylaxis measures in the context of public health measures linked to the Covid-19 emergency, the Ministry of Health has a platform for tracing close contacts between subjects who, for this purpose, have installed, on a voluntary basis, a specific application on mobile telephone devices'.

Thus reads the Bonafede decree - approved during the night by the Council of Ministers - in its paragraphs dedicated to the use of the Immuni app.

app - two people looking at a phone
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

The advances on mandatory and punishable conditions have been confirmed: the installation will be at the discretion of the citizen and there will be no consequence for who will choose not to use it - no travel limitations for those who do not demonstrate that they have installed it (node ​​that seemed pending). In essence, what was communicated today by the Minister of Innovation Paola Pisano is ratified. In a hearing with the Public Works Commission of the Senate he had in fact set (by teleconference) the five fundamental conditions to which the platform must comply:

1) that the entire integrated contact tracing system is entirely managed by one or more public entities and that its code is open and subject to review by any independent person who wishes to study it;

2) that the data processed for the purpose of operating the system are made sufficiently anonymous to prevent the identification of the data subject;

3) that the decision to use the technological solution is freely taken by individual citizens;

4) that, having reached the purpose pursued, all data stored anywhere and in any form, with the exception of aggregated and fully anonymous data for research or statistical purposes, are deleted with a consequent absolute guarantee for all citizens to find themselves, in front of subjects public and private, in the same condition in which they found themselves in the period prior to the use of the solution;

5) that the solution adopted - in its technological and non-technological components - can be considered, at least in a prognostic dimension, effectively effective on the epidemiological level.

app - Minister Pisano
Minister Paola Pisano (wikipedia)

Pisano explains that Immuni's source code will be strictly open source (accessible to all) and that no data relating to geolocation will be collected (another concern of detractors). The app will only record random codes (i.e. generated randomly by the system) sent in Bluetooth from the sources with which you come into contact. A very precise survey but respectful of privacy.

Immuni will therefore report a contact at risk, but not where this contact took place, and - very important - at the time of the first configuration it will not ask for authorization to access the address book (which is common for the majority of similar apps) or the telephone number. to send a confirmation sms. Nor - Pisanu points out categorically - will any code ever be generated that allows to trace the user's identity and sensitive data.

app - person in mask with mobile phone
Photo by Giu Vicente on Unsplash

Another condition set by the Minister and confirmed overnight by the decree concerns the character entirely Italian of production and management. The analysis of the source code and its sharing, the administration of the data, the diffusion of the application in the virtual stores and the technical maintenance 'will involve public companies wholly owned by the state (PagoPA and Sogei)' in collaboration with the Ministry of Innovation itself.

Government ok to the Immuni app. 100% Italian, guaranteed anonymity last edit: 2020-04-30T13:00:48+02:00 da Staff
