What to eat, what checks to do, how to follow the signals of the body and mind of women

Women: a Universe that perhaps men know very little about

These are the cornerstones of the book entitled Il good of women by Eliana Liotta and by Paolo Veronesi. They lay the foundation for a kind of scientific feminism.

Women: a Universe that perhaps men know very little about

What do men know of the women's body? It is useless to answer with the usual pre-packaged allusive glance, the smile of the expert who launches into spicy conversations at the bar, the air of one who, full of life and experience, wants to boast vast and in-depth knowledge.

Apart from this critical tone. What do men know about women's hearts, women's intestines, women's brains, what can hurt women, how it works, how they get sick, what needs to be done to avoid falling into disease, to feel good, to indulge the feminine nature.

The book published by Rizzoli written by Eliana Liotta e Paul Veronesi is a valuable resource for women.

They will get useful advice on "what to eat, what checks to do, how to take care of the body and mind".

For men, however, it could be a way to empathize with a Universe that knows very little.

Women and men: two different worlds compared

Women and men: two different worlds compared

Eliana Liotta is the author of very popular and very popular books. Texts in which it is explained without boring, indeed, with brio and "tasty writing" how to deal with a diet called Smart food. Also avoid the terrible suffering and immense sacrifices that diets bring with them. Almonds, vegetables, fruit with their precious resources. But then, if once it happens that you crave a reasonably modest amount of chocolate, well, go ahead. Read to believe!

Not out of indulgence, but because life is long and the balance between renunciations and satisfactions can never be unbalanced in an existential and temporal dimension articulated over long distances.

This popularization expertise, in this book, focuses on "gender medicine" because the body of women is a different body from that of men. And medicine, medicines, science must modulate their interventions on this irreducible diversity.

Women have emotional intelligence that the other half of the sky doesn't have!

Women have emotional intelligence that the other half of the sky doesn't have!

The man wins arm wrestling and has a brain that weighs approximately 150 grams more. But the woman's brain allows more easily cross connections, with neurons in the left brain making the best relationships with those in the right hemisphere. And therefore the woman has an emotional intelligence that in most cases, except poets and dreamers, men do not have. And what's more, the woman is a queen of multitasking that the man doesn't even imagine.

Attention to the psychological distress, to the "discouragement" for a passion that resembles a shipwreck, to the "sense of failure in a job that does not pay off for the efforts".

The woman, in this book, is meticulously described as a person endowed with a "special sensitivity". And women's health is also capable of accommodating "the murmurs of body and soul", as the great James Hillman wrote. Only that man "externalizes" the expression of malaise and dissatisfaction. The woman curls up and "internalizes" her, challenges the body that falls ill.

Il book offers many suggestions and prescriptions for women invited by Liotta and Veronesi to overcome fears, anguish and shame. And above all to love each other.

The good of women. A book by Liotta and Veronesi last edit: 2017-06-02T07:23:58+02:00 da Rossana Nardacci
