Genoa is the Italian capital of the Book 2023. The proclamation took place with a ceremony that took place in the Spadolini room of the Ministry of Culture. Present the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano; the director general of the DG Libraries and Copyright, Paola Passarelli; the president of the jury, Francesco Perfetti; the president of the Center for Books and Reading, Marino Sinibaldi. The representatives of the finalist cities are connected remotely: Florence, Lugo (Ra), Nola (Na), San Quirico d'Orcia (Si) and San Salvo (Ch).

Genoa Italian capital of the book 2023

"I am moved, happy and above all proud" said the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci referring to the prestigious appointment for the city. “Despite what has happened in recent years, we have managed to create an absolutely unique network and system of culture that we are proud of. Our project 'Genoa in words explained' it will contribute to the cultural development of the city by influencing citizens and tourists. And all those who do business will have a unique impact that will give wealth to the city". The mayor of the city of the lantern are still the considerations, commenting on the appointment of Genoa as the Italian capital of books for 2023.

genoa capital book

“Being the Italian book capital is important for us and we are proud of it – Bucci underlined again – for this reason we will invest a lot in libraries. Our intention is to open them at times other than the current ones, such as after dinner or during the night, as well as bringing important personalities to the city who can read and narrate the books in public or in theatres”. “Genoa was chosen for its enhancement and integration programmes, for the historical, artistic and literary heritage of the city and the many initiatives for the dissemination of book culture. An important acknowledgment that confirms Genoa and the Liguria at the center of the national cultural scene; an opportunity to make our cultural riches even better known”. This is the comment posted on the Facebook profile of the Liguria Region.

Genoa Italian capital of the book 2023 "in words explained" last edit: 2023-03-10T09:00:00+01:00 da Staff
