What do the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2016 Olympic Games have in common with those of the 2012 and 2016 European Football Championships? In addition to being world-famous events and attracting millions of spectators, they were organized by the same company: the Film master. Yes, this company is Italian, and has the organization of quite a few very important events in its curriculum.
An excellence in the world of communication
Established in 1976, Filmmaster Productions began making commercials of various kinds. Over the years it has made itself known more and more, offering direct and innovative communication. With over 3500 commercials and several international awards, including 27 Leoni at the Cannes International Advertising Festival, is currently one of the largest companies in the sector. Famous people like Federico Fellini, Spike Lee and Ferzan Özpetek have collaborated with it.
Furthermore, the company has grown more and more over time, creating others brand such as Filmmaster Eventshave Filmmaster MEA , Filmmaster Clips. The latter, renamed in 2012 Films, has distinguished itself in the production of music video clips. Videoclips directed most of the time by great masters of cinema and entertainment. In 1996 Polanski directs The Angels by Vasco Rossi, while in 2007 Wayne isham realizes We are not alone by Ramazzotti. And these are just some of the many collaborations that Filmmaster can boast. In addition to the video clips, the company has dealt with various concerts and tours such as that of Jovanotti Good Blood Live, considered among the best performances of the Roman artist.
Filmmaster to conquer Brazil
In 2015 the company took care of the opening ceremony of theMilan Expo and the final of Champions League. Years earlier, in 2012, it was the turn of the European Football Championships, as well as in 2016. But it is Rio de Janeiro that perhaps marks the pinnacle of Filmmaster for now. Opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the trip of the Olympic torch: all organized and managed by the Roman company. Events attended by millions of people from all over the world. And now the news of the acquisition of 51% of the shares of Carioca 2016 ceremonies. The target? Conquer the American market, targeting the most significant events such as i Pan American Games of 2019 , Copa America. Its presence will also lead the way to other Italian companies, effectively opening new perspectives for all Made in Italy companies engaged in the communication sector.