Lack of appetite, linked to'influence, leads instinctively to prefer foods that are easy to digest. For a few days, juices, extracts and centrifuges are enough to hydrate and provide many active nutrients. Always mix fruit and vegetables for an optimal combination. To learn how to eat healthily and defend yourself from the flu, start taking advantage of the ailments and discovering their positive sides.

To learn how to eat healthily and protect yourself from the flu, start taking advantage of the ailments and discovering their positive sides.

Lack of appetite instinctively leads to a preference for foods that are easy to digest

Follow the seasonality: as well as in summer the fruit is rich in substances useful to protect the skin from sun damage, now nature invites you to consume citrus fruits, pomegranates and dark green leafy vegetables to fill up with vitamin C, which together with zinc, selenium and B vitamins, stimulates the immune system. For zinc, mushrooms, legumes and whole grains are useful; for selenium, rice, barley, corn and tuna. Eggs and several seeds contain both.

Flu and antibiotics: use them with caution!

For our health and well-being, we need to pay attention to unnecessary care.

THEWorld Health Organization has launched an appeal that each of us never take antibiotics without your doctor's advice and inquire about their correct use. To avoid problems both for our well-being and for our planet, every time they are used badly or unnecessarily, it contributes to worsening the problem of infections by antibiotic-resistant germs that cause more than 37.000 deaths every year. It is not the people who become resistant but the bacteria that can then affect anyone. Another misconception: influenza, caused by viruses, is not cured with antibiotics, which only kill bacteria. Sore throats are also almost always caused by viruses.

In Italy the antibiotic resistance it is among the highest in Europe. Here 27% of bronchitis cases are treated with antibiotics, while the European average is 18%.

The flu is prevented with the new flu vaccine

The time is right for the flu shot.

It is the right time for the flu shot. It must be done by mid-December at the latest. It does not guarantee total immunity from any type of ailment because the viruses mutate at great speed but there is a good chance of avoiding the incoming flu and certainly the symptoms are attenuated.

It is free for children, for those over 65, for those suffering from heart or respiratory ailments, for those who work in contact with the public. To do this, just go to your GP who will assess your condition and advise you on the right type.

But is it always about the flu?

No, it's not always about real influence. In order to claim that you have been infected with the true flu, you need to have:

  • Fever over 38 °, with abrupt onset;
  • General symptoms, such as joint and / or muscle pain, headache;
  • Respiratory symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, nasal congestion / discharge with a runny nose.

In addition to useful tips for fighting the flu, what are the best news of the week related to wellness?

Another reason to cut back on salt

Researchers at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome discovered that the excess sodium not only causes cardiovascular problems, but stimulates the onset of autoimmune diseases. It may be an explanation of why cases of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus are on the rise in richer countries. The study was published in Plo One.

Anti-diabetes soy to take care of your well-being

- Omega 6 fatty acids reduce the risk of 2 type diabetes, more and more widespread. They are contained in soy, some seeds (such as flax and sunflower), in dried fruit. A study published on says so The Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology.

Bananas, Cocoa & C, friends of the heart and well-being

We were already aware that potassium deficiency can cause heart and circulatory problems.

We were already aware that the potassium deficiency it can cause heart and circulatory problems. Now a research published on JCI Insight recommends consuming foods rich in this mineral as a prevention to keep arteries elastic and "clean". Bananas, cocoa, avocados, tomatoes, grapes, yogurt, sweet potatoes, legumes and nuts are high in potassium.

Coffee is an ally of well-being! It will look strange!

Women who drink four cups of coffee per day are less than half as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as non-drinkers. This is confirmed by a research of theat University of California (USA) edit on Diabetes.

A healthier lifestyle and looking after your well-being help prevent cancer

40% of female cancers could be avoided with a healthier lifestyle and cancer screening. The main enemies are smoking, overweight and a sedentary lifestyle.

For these reasons one was born campaign aimed at women.

It is also recommended to do sports in groups. This reduces stress levels and significantly improves the quality of life. Much more than just training alone. To highlight this is a study conducted by University of News England College of Osteopathic Medicine, published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.

Meditation beats morphine and helps your well-being!

Meditating is a very powerful analgesic because it allows you to bring the breath to the fore, sending pain to the background of perception. It could reduce the intensity by 40% and the unpleasantness by 57% versus a 25% drop obtained with morphine. This theory is supported by Fadel Zeidan, a neurobiologist at Wake Forest University (USA).

How to fight the flu: the best news of the week last edit: 2017-12-07T09:30:02+01:00 da Rossana Nardacci
