Ennio, the documentary by Giuseppe Tornatore dedicated to the eternal master Morricone, conquered the Italian public. As surprising as he was, in fact, he managed to keep up with the American blockbusters, that is Uncharted e Murder on Nilo, respectively in first and second place in the box office rankings after the weekend. In just four days collected 651 thousand euros. A figure that increases up to touch almost 1 million, if you take into account previews.
Ennio, best documentary of the year
Going to the cinema at the time of Covid is not common. There is still a sense of danger. For this reason being able to push people to leave the comfortable sofa at home is a triumph, more than a success. Succeeding with a documentary is really a feat.
Very well received at the Venice Film Festival (out of competition), Ennio was supposed to go to the cinema in January but it was decided to wait, given the spread of the Omicron variant. Today the infections are decreasing and with a public perception of greater safety, it was preferred to propose a preview screening on January 28, 29 and 30, and then bring it back to the theater on February 17.
An absolute triumph, to the point that the Union of Film Journalists (Sngci) awarded him the Silver ribbon for best documentary 2022. Giuseppe Tornatore can hardly believe it: “Today a dream came true. I worked for twenty-five years with Ennio Morricone. I've done almost all my films with him. During all this time our friendship has been consolidated more and more. So, film after film, as my knowledge of his character's man and artist it got deeper, I always wondered what kind of documentary I could do about him ”.
Photo source: https://twitter.com/nastridargento